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September 2021 Minor 2 Maintenance Release

These changes have been released in the following software version:

  • ESP_21.4.10.0



Release Note

ESP-65385Validation Tables (WA Student Work-Based Learning Activities) and Schedule Entry (WA Course Information)

Added the following elements on the Validation Tables and WA Course Information pages:

  • Element E16 – Student Work-Based Learning Activities
  • Element H32 – Work-Based Learning Activities

Enabled these elements on the Student Summary and Download Search pages for the Student Schedule (E) and Student Grade History (H) records.

ESP-65386 Create CEDARS Download/Extract

Added business rules for the Student Schedule (E) and Student Grade History (H) downloads.

For Student Schedule(E):

  1. Check if the Element D10 - CIP code is not null in Course Catalog (D) records, then Student Work-Based Learning Activities is required.
  2. Check if the comma-separated value is valid and verify the valid value from WATB_STU_WORK_BASED_LEARNING_ACTIVITIES validation table value.
  3. Check if the value 10 is used with other values.

For Student Grade History(H):

  1. Check if CIP code has value, if the value is not null then Student Work-Based Learning Activities is required.
  2. Check if the comma-separated value is valid and verify the valid value from WATB_STU_WORK_BASED_LEARNING_ACTIVITIES validation table value.
  3. If H32 is 10 or 11, no other valid value can be used. 11 can only be reported for transfer courses, where Element H26 – School Code is 9999.
    1. Check if the value 10 or 11 is used with other values.
    2. Check if the value is 11 and school code is not 9999
ESP-65540Create CEDARS Download/Extract

Added a script for the WA_CROSSWALKS table so that the Non-Public Agency field retrieves the current value when LRE Code is 11 for school year 2022.

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