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October 2021 Major Maintenance Release

These changes have been released in the following software version:

  • ESP_21.4.14.0



Release Note

ESP-67003Create CEDARS Download/Extract (Report Learning File (X))

Updated the Extract file to be generated in CSV file format.

Renamed the field name from CountyDistrictCode to District Code in the Extract file.

ESP-66640Create CEDARS Download/Extract (Bilingual Programs (J))

Updated the following WA-CEDARS 2021-2022 changes for the student Bilingual Programs (J) file download.

For element J18 – Placement Test Code:

  • Updated existing valid value 8 to 8–WIDA ACCESS (not in Washington Public Schools).
  • Added valid values 9 and 10 for reporting the Alt ACCESS and WIDA Screeners.
    • 9–WIDA Alt ACCESS (not in Washington Public Schools).
    • 10–WIDA Screener (in Washington Public Schools).

For element J20 – Placement Test Score:

  • Updated the four domains to be reported in this field in the order: Listening, Reading, Speaking, and Writing (each of the four domains receive a score between 1 and 6 and must be reported as a 4-digit number in the same order)
  • Validated that each digit has to be between values 1 to 6.

For element J21 – Placement Status

  • Updated the existing row for WIDA ACCESS with new statuses.
  • Added two rows, one each for WIDA Alt ACCESS and WIDA Screener
ESP-64886WA Initial Evaluation and Eligibility

Updated the Initial Evaluation and Eligibility calculation to retrieve School Days as per the number of days the student is present between DATE_RECEIVED_CONSENT and DATE_INITIAL_EVALUATION_ELIGIBILITY_DETERMINATION regardless of the School Year.

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