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January 2022 Major Maintenance Release

These changes have been released in the following software version:

  • ESP_21.4.18.0



Release Note

ESP-69636Create CEDARS Download/Extract (Bilingual Programs (J))

Updated the Bilingual Program (J) file to not duplicate data for students transferred to another building during the school year in the extract file.

ESP-69154WA Student Support and Create CEDARS Download/Extract

Updated the Student Supports (V) records when the Create CEDARS Download/Extract utility is run to retrieve student data from the WA Student Support district-defined page for the year.

ESP-69032Programs (WASD - Student District Fields)

Added the Enter Exit Reason Code option under the Learning Device drop-down list for the WASD - Student District Fields program in the Student district-defined page.

ESP-68700WA Student Support

Removed the Interventions Used (Do not Use) field from the WA Student Support page.

ESP-66337Create CEDARS Download/Extract

Added the Overall Placement Test Score (program-tracked) field in the Bilingual Programs (J) download as per the CEDARS 2021-2022 requirements.

ESP-69569Create CEDARS Download/ExtractAs per CEDARS recent changes, updated values in the Student Restraint and Isolation (S) and Student Supports (V) files and added new program code 73 - LAP Community Partnership for Element Q06 - Program Code in the LAP Student Growth (Q) file.
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