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February 2025 Major Maintenance Release

These changes have been released in the following software version:

  • ESP_25.2.0.0



Release Note

ESP-101980Programs and Create CEDARS Download/Extract
  1. Added a new entry to the Program Code validation table.
    1. Code: 80
    2. Description: Student Sensory Disability
  2. Created a validation table to store valid values from CEDARS Appendix AL. These values have also been added to the Program record.
    The following values have been added under Sensory Disability:
    1. Code 0: None or Not Applicable
    2. Code 1: Deaf/Hard of Hearing (D/HH)
    3. Code 2: Blind/Low Vision (B/LV)
    4. Code 3: Combination of D/HH and B/LV, or Deafblind
  3. The WA Sensory Disability Program screen has been introduced.
  4. Functionality has been implemented to process the Student Sensory Disability Program into the download and Student Attributes and Programs File (I).
ESP-99083Create CEDARS Download/Extract

Updated Element B43  Language(s) Family Prefers to Communicate In as a required field. The system will no longer accept a null value for this field.

If no Home Language or Language of Correspondence is provided for the contact:

  • The Family Languages value in the District Student 25 file will default to the student's Home Language.
  • An error will be generated if the student's Home Language is unavailable.

An error will be logged if any of these conditions are not met.

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