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Download Search

Regulatory > Summary > Student > Download Search
Use this option to look at records for a download table for multiple students. When you search using this option, the fields in the table display as columns with rows for the records that meet your search criteria.
This tool is helpful if you want to look at the download records in one table based on data in a different download table. For example, you might use this option to review the percent of time for students who are being reported with a preschool grade.
You can also use this tool to create a report of download data as a PDF or Excel file. Note that the number of fields in a table will affect how the report displays in the PDF.

To use the Student Downloads Search

  1. Select Regulatory > Summary > Student > Download Search.
  2. On the Search page, select the Record Type you want to view.
  3. You may further define your search by using the Search Criteria panel. The available criteria will vary depending on the Record Type.
  4. Click Load.
  5. On the Student Download List page, review data.
  6. To view additional download data for a student or to edit a record, click the link for the student name. The Student Summary page displays the record you were viewing. You can use the Next and Previous buttons to navigate through the students that were displayed on the Student Download List page.When you want to return to the Student Download List page, click Search.

To edit source data using the Downloads Search

  1. Select Regulatory > Summary > Student > Download Search.
  2. On the Student Download Search page, select the codes for the Record Type and Submission you want to view. The search will return records where the fiscal year matches the year of the eSchoolPLUS environment.
  3. In the Criteria fields, specify the filter you want to use to display records.
  4. Click Load.
  5. In the Search Results, click on the hyperlink of the field you wish to edit to open a pop up window for the appropriate page. Note that not all fields will be hyperlinked. The page that opens is dependent upon where the field is located in eSchoolPLUS. For example, the Birth Date field will open the Registration page.

NOTE: The Student ID field will always open the Registration page.

  1. Make edits to the desired fields and click Save.

NOTE: If there is no data for a field, you will see an Add button. Click this button to open the pop up window.

  1. After editing the source data, you will need to re-run the affected download.

To edit download data using the Downloads Search

  1. Select Regulatory > Summary > Student > Download Search.
  2. On the Student Download Search page, select the codes for the Record Type and Submission you want to view. The search will return records where the fiscal year matches the year of the eSchoolPLUS environment.
  3. In the Criteria fields, specify the filter you want to use to display records.
  4. Click Load.
  5. To enable manual override editing, click the Edit button located on the field column headers.

NOTE: We recommend you always change source data when editing download records.

  1. Enter the override changes for the selected field.

NOTE: To cancel changes, click the Cancel button on the field column header.

  1. Click Save.
  2. After saving, the following columns are automatically updated:
    • Override Download = 'Yes'
    • Record Edited = 'Yes'
    • Change Date Time = current date and time when change was made
    • Change UID = user who made the change

To create a CSV file

  1. Click Export to Excel located at the top right corner of the Search Results panel.
  2. On the Report Options pop up window, use the Column Setup fields to indicate how you want to arrange specified columns within the report. The applicable columns available to setup will vary by each selected record type selected. Enter the name you wish to use for the report. A default name will populate.
  3. Click the OK button to create the file.


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