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December 2022 Major Maintenance Release

These changes have been released in the following software version:

  • ESP_22.12.0.0



Release Note

ESP-81025WA Calculate Student Course FTE and WA Building Information

Added the Cycle Codes(4 times/2 weeks) and Cycle Codes(1 time/2 weeks) fields on the WA Building Information district-defined page.

Updated the FTE Calculations for A/B Block Schedule School with different cycle days. Implemented the warning message: If the building is marked as A/B Block Schedule, and the Cycle Codes(4 times/2 weeks) and Cycle Codes(1 time/2 weeks) field values are blank, a warning message is logged and the data with Course FTE values as 0.00 is inserted.

ESP-80352WA FTE Aggregate Report

Added the Inter District Report (TXT) option to the WA FTE Aggregate Report page under District Level Reporting.

Implemented changes for the Inter District Report File similar to the Basic Enrollment File (P223).

ESP-80269Create CEDARS Download/Extract

Updated the processing to exclude enrollment vectors from reporting in the download and extract files.

ESP-78519WA Transcript

Updated the query to retrieve only buildings with high school courses for the WA Transcript.

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