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December 2021 Major Maintenance Release

These changes have been released in the following software version:

  • ESP_21.4.16.0



Release Note

ESP-68660Create CEDARS Download/Extract (Bilingual Programs (J))

Added condition for Placement Test Code field to resolve the ‘Type Mismatch’ task error for Bilingual Programs (J) download when there is a value for Test Scale Score and no data for Placement Test Code.

ESP-68659Create CEDARS Download/Extract (Course Catalog (D) and Student Non-Traditional Credit Attempt (T))

Updated to send empty values to the D19 and T20 fields as per requirement, and allow users to create submission files for the Course Catalog (D) and Student Non-Traditional Credit Attempt (T) downloads.

ESP-68476Create CEDARS Download/Extract (Student Schedule (E))

Updated the Student Work-Based Learning Activities (E16) field of the Student Schedule (E) download as required for all student courses when the CIP Code (D10) field of the Course Catalog (D) download has a value. Since the E16 field cannot be null if the D10 field has a value, the E16 field is assigned the default value of 10 when there is no value entered.

ESP-68475Create CEDARS Download/Extract (Student Grade History (H))

Updated the Student Work-Based Learning Activities (H32) field of the Student Grade History (H) download as required for all student courses when the CIP Code (H17) field of the Student Grade History (H) download has a value and Course School Year (H30) is 2022 or after. Since the H32 field cannot be null if the H17 field has a value and H30 is 2020 or after, the H32 field is assigned the default value of 10 when there is no value entered.

If the H17 field has a value and the H30 is 2020 or after and the School Code is 9999, the H32 field is assigned the default value of 11 when there is no value entered.

ESP-68466WA Early Education and Programs (WAEED - WA Early Ed)

Linked the WA Early Education district-defined page to the WAEED - WA Early Ed program.

ESP-68343Create CEDARS Download/Extract (Bilingual Programs (J) and Programs (WABIL - WA Bilingual))

Resolved the duplicate record issue in the Bilingual Programs (J) extract file.

ESP-67610Create CEDARS Download/Extract (District Student (B))

Updated the District Student (B) file processing to retrieve the preferred names from the Registration page and populate in the B36 through B38 columns; and if legal information exists for that student in the Personal page, then it will be populated in the B06 through B08 columns; otherwise, it will be defaulted with the preferred names.

Removed the logic that retrieved the names from the WA Alias district-defined page.

ESP-67202Print Transcripts

Updated the WA Transcript file to retrieve the Exit Date value from the Entry/Withdrawal page records even when there is a building transfer.

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