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CTE Completer Calculation

Regulatory > Utilities > Utilities > CTE Completer Calculation
Use the CTE Completer Calculation to update Vocational Completer or Tech Prep Completer fields as appropriate for students' Mark Reporting course district-defined records.
These fields identify a course from the student's transcript as having served as the final course for either completing a CTE program area (Vocational Completer) or finishing all courses in a program area that make up the high school's portion of the Tech Prep Articulation Agreement, with the student earning a B or higher for each course (Tech Prep Completer).


To track courses as Vocational or Tech Prep Completers, the following setup must be in place within eSchoolPLUS: 

eSchoolPLUS page

Setup required

WA Course Information (Scheduling > Courses > Course Sections > WA Course Information)

Courses need CIP codes to be processed in the calculation.

Course Catalog (Scheduling > Courses > Building Courses > Building Course Catalog)

Subject areas need to be defined for your courses.

Requirement Groups List (Administration > General Setup > District > Validation Tables > select Registration > Requirement Groups)

Supplemental requirement groups must exist so the appropriate vocational and technical preparation programs can be created in Graduation Requirement Setup.

Career Plan Building Configuration (Administration > Scheduling Setup > Setup > Career Plan Building Configuration)

Save a Career Planner configuration for each building with students who will be processed by the calculation.

Graduation Requirement Setup (Administration > Mark Reporting Setup > Calculation Setup > Graduation Requirements Setup)

Graduation Requirement setups must exist for vocational and technical preparation programs. Setups need the Career Plan box checked, Career Plan grades defined, and subject area credit requirements established. Records must exist for appropriate Graduation Years so the system can apply them to students correctly.

Subject Area Tag Rules (Administration > Mark Reporting Setup > Calculation Setup > Graduation Requirements Setup)

Course tags and tag rules need to be established. Click the Edit Records button for Tag Rules in the Requirements panel. Course tags and tag rules tell the Completer Calculation which course combinations successfully fulfill the subject area's credit requirement.

Tag Courses (Administration > Mark Reporting Setup > Calculation Setup > Graduation Requirements Setup)

Courses need to be linked to the appropriate course tags so the Completer Calculation can apply the tag rules. Click the Edit Records button for Tag Rules in the Requirements panel.

Graduation Requirement Setup (Administration > Mark Reporting Setup > Calculation Setup > Graduation Requirements Setup)

Establish minimum mark requirements for technical preparation programs. Define the mark types used for assessing subject area minimum marks, then define the minimum mark required to receive credit for each subject area.

Student Academic (Registration > Entry & Reports > Student Demographic > Academic)

Students need the appropriate Graduation Year set up. Assign Supplemental Requirement Groups for the appropriate students identifying vocational and technical preparation programs.

Completer Processing

The WA Completer Calculation performs a couple of functions. It identifies student Mark Reporting course records that served to complete either a vocational or technical preparation program defined as a supplemental requirement group for the student. The calculation also looks at the student's Mark Reporting records to determine whether he or she qualified to complete supplemental Career Plans not already established in the Academic record.


For students selected by the WA Completer Calculation filter you define, the system goes through the following steps to determine whether transcript courses completed a vocational or technical preparation program:

  1. The system checks for courses in the student's transcript that have CIP codes.
  2. The system checks to see if each CIP code course applies to a Career Plan subject area for the student. Career Plans are defined as Supplemental Requirement Groups on the student Academic page.
  3. The system determines whether all credit requirements are fulfilled for the Career Plan. It then finds the course that completed the requirements based on subject area tag rules. If applicable, the system also verifies that the course met the subject area minimum mark requirement.
  4. For the completer course, a record is created for the student Mark Reporting course district-defined Vocational Completer page.
    • If there was not a minimum mark requirement for the course subject area, then the Vocational Completer box is checked in the Vocational Completer record.
    • If there was a minimum mark requirement for the course subject area, then the Tech Prep Completer box is checked in the Vocational Completer record.

Qualified Plan Processing

The WA Completer Calculation is primarily used to identify completer courses for the CEDARS Student Grade History file. The completer processing applies to the Supplemental Requirement Groups from the student Academic page.
The calculation will also look at transcript records to determine whether each student qualifies to meet the credit requirements for any other Career Plans. Based on this, the system will update the student's Academic page to show Qualified Requirement Groups, and it will update the Vocational Completer page for the appropriate student Mark Reporting course records.
Qualified plan processing works as follows: 

  1. Based on the filter criteria you define, the system looks for students with transcript courses using CIP codes.
  2. The system then checks which supplemental Career Plans include each CIP course within a subject area tag rule.
  3. When it finds a Career Plan using a particular course, the system determines whether the student satisfied the plan's credit requirements.
  4. If the student meets the plan's requirements, the system updates the Academic page Qualified Requirement Groups field.
  5. The system performs the completer calculation for each qualified plan, updating the appropriate student Mark Reporting district-defined course record. This is the Vocational Completer page accessed either through Mark Reporting > Entry & Reports > Student Report Card Summary or Transcript Summary.

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