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Create CEDARS Downloads and Extract Files

This option opens the processing center for preparing student, staff, and course data for submission to the CEDARS system. Through the Create CEDARS Download/Extract page, you can perform the following tasks:

  • Download records for error checking prior to creating the Extract File. You will have the opportunity to change records that need to be fixed to be included in the State File. You will have the option to get the Log Files in PDF or CSV format.
  • Generate CEDARS Extract Files based on the criteria you enter on the page. The extract files are in a tab-delimited format.

The processing center's design allows you flexibility in terms of how you run CEDARS data download and extract file creation. Consider the following features:

  • You can prompt the system to run only the download of data into the download tables, to generate only the selected extract files, or to perform both tasks at the same time.
  • You can choose which CEDARS record types to process using the Download Prompts section.
  • You can further limit the students, staff, or courses to process by establishing criteria in the Filter section.

To access the CEDARS Downloads and Extract Files page, select Regulatory from the main menu, select Utilities submenu, select Utilities, and then select Create CEDARS Download/Extract.

To ensure that your State Files do not have any mismatched data (that is, a School Student record for a building that is not in the Location file), run the downloads in the following order: Location, Course, Staff, and Student.
August 2010 Note: The CEDARS Download process has been updated to select students without SSIDs so that you can create files to submit to CEDARS to get SSIDs.

How to Run the Download Extract Files Option

Menu path: Select Regulatory from the main menu, select Utilities submenu, select Utilities, and then select Create CEDARS Download/Extract.

Important: Your School Year prompt selection determines which CEDARS file layouts apply to the records you download and extract. If you select any school year prior to 2018-2019, the download and extract use the 2017-18 CEDARS file layouts and business rules. If you select the 2018-19 year, the download uses the 2018-19 CEDARS file layouts and business rules.

For 2017-18 and earlier, the Student Discipline (P) option is available. Beginning with 2018-19, the Student Exclusionary Discipline (R) option is available, replacing the (P) option.
You should run the downloads in the following order to get the most accurate data for the extracts:

  1. Location (A)
  2. Course (D)
  3. Staff (F and G)
  4. Student

In terms of processing dependencies between files where data conditions are enforced, the CEDARS download is built to create files in the appropriate order if you choose to create all files for a given category. For instance, if you select all the Download Prompts for the Student download, records get built in the alphabetical order indicated: B, C, E, H, I, J, K, L, M, N, Q, S, T, U, and finally R.
However, if you are running download options in a particular category separate from one another, make sure you run the options in the correct order, and apply the same prompt selections and filter criteria so you get consistent results for a given set of download runs. Also, you should wait for task process completion before running the next download task when creating files through separate runs. This way the appropriate files are available for dependency-checking.

Processing Prompts

Select Downloads for

Setting indicating whether you are processing Student, Staff, Course, or Location records. Your choice here determines the record types available in the Download Prompts section and the eSchoolPlusdatabase tables available in the Filter section.
You will need to process these download types separately. For instance, if a submission requires Student and Staff records, you will run the Download & Extract Files processing separately for each type of download.

To ensure that your State Files do not have any mismatched data (that is, a School Student record for a building that is not in the Location file), run the downloads in the following order: Location, Course, Staff, and Student.

In terms of processing dependencies between files where data conditions are enforced, the CEDARS download is built to create files in the appropriate order if you choose to create all files for a given category. For instance, if you select all the Download Prompts for the Student download, records get built in the alphabetical order indicated: B, C, E, H, I, J, K, L, M, N,Q, S, T, U, and finally R.

However, if you are running download options in a particular category separate from one another, make sure you run the options in the correct order, and apply the same prompt selections and filter criteria so you get consistent results for a given set of download runs.

School Year

Select the school year to identify the CEDARS data submission you are processing.

Your School Year prompt selection determines which CEDARS file layouts apply to the records you download and extract. If you select any school yearprior to2018-2019, the download and extract use the 2017-18 CEDARS file layouts and business rules. If you select the 2018-19 year, the download uses the 2018-19 CEDARS file layouts and business rules.

For 2017-18 and earlier, the Student Discipline (P) option is available. Beginning with 2018-19, the Student Exclusionary Discipline (R) option is available, replacing the (P) option.

Building List

You may run the Download and Extract for all buildings in your district at one time or for selected buildings. You may decide to run the Download for one building or a small group of buildings and then when all errors have been resolved, create the Extract Files for all buildings.

Start Date

Enter the first date that you want to report data for. If you are reporting to the State on a monthly basis, this will be the first day of the previous month.

End Date

Enter the last date that you want to report data for. If you are reporting to the State on a monthly basis, this will be the last day of the previous month.

Select theUse Current Datecheckbox to process records up to and including today's date.

Important: Before you use the CEDARS Download to create a file containing attendance data, make sure to run the Day Totals Calculation for the appropriate buildings using the View Type you created for CEDARS reporting. This rule applies for the School Student and Student Absence file types. For more information on attendance-related prerequisites, refer to Planning Student Absence File Setup and Attendance Views Requirements.

Attendance View Type

Select the Attendance View that you want to use to get the attendance data in the School Student File and/or Student Absence File.

Excused Absence Code

Select the Absence Code that indicates excused absences. This information is sent in the School Student File and Student Absence File.

Unexcused Absence Code

Select the Absence Code that indicates unexcused absences. This information is sent in the School Student File and Student Absence File.

Update Existing Records

Select this checkbox after you have run the Extract and have records in the download tables, if you make changes to records and want to update the data in the download tables.

Clear OverrideSelect this checkbox if you wish to delete records that were added or updated through the editable download record feature on the Student Download Summary page.

Purge History

Select this checkbox to purge all the prior values from the download tables. After you are sure that you no longer need a record of what you sent to CEDARS for each submission, you can use this option.

Use this option very carefully.


Select this checkbox if you want to populate the download tables based on your responses to the prompts and your Filter.


Select this checkbox when you are ready to create the files to be sent to the State. Checking this box tells the system to take the data in the download tables (created when the Download checkbox is checked) and put it into the State File format (tab-delimited).

Log File Type

Select which type of file you would like to get the errors and warnings in. The CSV option will produce a pdf file that will alert you if there are errors in the CSV file.

Refresh District Defined

Select this checkbox to refresh and load the district-defined values related to the required download. After all the information is added in the district-defined page, you need to select this option only once to run the download.

The Refresh District Defined selection is not required if there is no change in the district-defined values related to the required download.

Download Prompts

This section of the Create CEDARS Download/Extract page changes based on your responses to the "Select Downloads for" prompt. The table in the CEDARS Files page helps to summarize what data files can be created for each download type.

Additional Information

The Sequence and Sequence Group data elements are included in the Course Catalog (D) and Student Non-Traditional Credit Attempt (T) download tables applicable for school year 2022 onwards.

The Remote Learning File (X) download for students who opted-in to remote learning and their school offered in-person instruction to them during the snapshot week are reported. Only students who opted-in to remote learning during one of the three snapshot weeks (January 4 – 8, 2021, April 19 – 23, 2021, and May 10 – 14, 2021) are included in the file. If a student opted-in to remote learning during all three snapshot weeks, they would have three records in this file.

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