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August 2022 Minor Maintenance Release

These changes have been released in the following software version:

  • ESP_21.4.31.0



Release Note

ESP-76231Non-Traditional Student Credit Attempt File, Initial Evaluation and Eligibility Timelines File, and Student Supports File
  • Added the J – Tribal Language Competency Test field to the WA Course Information Screen.
  • Deactivated code 19 in the WA IDENTIFICATION ASSESSMENT validation table.
  • Added valid codes 4, 5, and 6 in the WA Evaluation Outcome validation table.
  • Added seven Business Rules.
  • Removed three existing Business Rules.
ESP-75873Print Transcripts

Updated processing in the WA Transcript template to report accurate month/year values in Schools Attended when a student has left the school district, attended a school from out of district, then returned to the school district.

ESP-74890Student Special Education File

Added business rules to the WA Student Special Education File (K) download.

ESP-74889WA Course Information, Course Catalog File, Student Grade History File, and Student Programs File
  • Added the J – Tribal Language Competency Test field to the WA Course Information Screen.
  • Deactivated code G, H, I, and J in the WA Gifted Program Referral Codes validation table.
  • Deactivated the elements Is Vocational Completer (H20) and Rcvd Natnl Industry Cert (H21) as they are no longer active elements for the year 2023. The values are sent as NULL in the download table and the extract file.
  • Added two Business Rules for Course Catalog File (D) and Grade History File (H) downloads.
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