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2019-2020 WA Transcript Features

The following features were implemented in the Washington Transcript output per the state's 2019-2020 Standardized High School Transcript User Guide:

  • The CERTIFICATE OF ACADEMIC/INDIVIDUAL ACHIEVEMENT (CERTIFICATE OF ACADEMIC/INDIVIDUAL ACHIEVEMENT Status) field is replaced by GRADUATION PATHWAY (Students with Graduation Requirements Year - GRY 2020 and later) and will be printed as the state requirement. Allowable values are MET and NOT MET. Refer to Graduation Pathway in Transcript View Setup for setup details.
  • The header shows the student's Graduation Requirement Year based on the Federal Graduation Rate Year from the student's Academic page.
  • The Print Transcripts option references the student Academic page's Graduation Year field to determine which tests to print in the transcript's ADDITIONAL STATE REQUIREMENTS section. Note that tests display based on the appropriate Transcript View Setup for the student's building.
    For students graduating in 2020 or later, the ENGLISH LANGUAGE ARTS STANDARD, MATHEMATICS STANDARD, SCIENCE STANDARD, and CERTIFICATE OF ACADEMIC/INDIVIDUAL ACHIEVEMENT entries are removed. Only the following entries with allowable status values will be printed:
    • HIGH SCHOOL & BEYOND PLAN with allowable status values as MET and NOT MET.
    • WASHINGTON STATE HISTORY with allowable status values as MET, WAIVED, and NOT MET.
    • GRADUATION PATHWAY with allowable status values as MET and NOT MET.
    • WA STATE HIGHER ED PLACEMENT AGREEMENT with allowable status values as ELA, MATH, and ELA/MATH.
      Note that the value in the Washington Transcript output will be WAIVED if the student has been granted a Special, Unavoidable Circumstance Waiver, Awareness Level Waiver, or Out of State Transfer Waiver.
  • The Cred Earned, Cred Attp, GPA Earn, GAP Attp, and GPA Pts fields in the Washington Transcript output are updated to record values up to 3 decimal places.

The Washington Transcript output for students with Graduation Requirements Year prior to 2020 will retain and print all the fields in the ADDITIONAL STATE REQUIREMENTS section as described in the previous WA Transcript Features pages of this state reporting guide.

COVID-19 Pandemic Changes

In response to the COVID-19 pandemic and school facility closures, there have been two changes in law and guidance that revises the WA Transcript content:

  1. The State Board of Education (SBE) passed emergency rules that allow LEAs to apply for a waiver that gives them authority to waive specific courses/credits for students expected to graduate in 2020 (class of 2020 and earlier). A notation (*) is appended on students’ transcripts to indicate specific courses that had credit requirements waived. In addition, the districts must report to SBE the students/courses that were granted the waiver.
    The Mo/Yr sections on the WA Transcript that were impacted by a COVID-19-related school closure will now be denoted on the transcript with an *. An accompanying message on the transcript will read: *All courses listed under this Mo/Yr included school facility closure days due to the COVID-19 pandemic emergency.
    A new building-level district-defined page, School Shutdown Impacted Marking Periods, must be used by districts to identify marking periods affected by a school closure. This page will determine what terms on the transcript will be flagged.
  2. OSPI provided guidance around grading that requires districts to use an I (or Incomplete) as a grade during the COVID-19 pandemic school closures. This change also requires updates to the student standardized transcript and to the CEDARS collection.
    Must use a locally determined letter grade or numerical standards-based (1–4) grading system which will not include “F”. Districts may determine and implement the letter grades or numerical decision (for example: A, B, C, I; or A, B, I; or 4, 3, 2, I, and so on). Must be reported in Student Schedule File (E), Student Grade History File (H) and Non-Traditional Student Credit Attempt File (T) with a letter grade of ‘I’ – Incomplete, in same manner, with same requirements, as other grade values.

This applies to all students in grades 9-12 and students in earlier grades who are attempting high school rigor courses. A grade value of “I” cannot be used for students in the class of 2020 or earlier who are graduating in 2020. Instead, a district would want to determine whether the student met the requirements for the SBE waiver with a grade value of “V”.

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