2017-2018 WA Transcript Features
The following features were implemented in the Washington Transcript output per the state's 2017-2018 Standardized High School Transcript User Guide:
- Course Designation T – CTE Dual Credit (formerly, Tech Prep) has been updated to the transcript's COURSE DESIGNATION KEY section. The course designation displays as a field on the WA Course Information district-defined course page at the Course Catalog and Master Schedule levels. When the checkbox is selected at the Master Schedule level for a particular course, the transcript shows the corresponding course designation.
- The course designation code for the course in which credit was attempted will be printed. Allowable values are A, B, C, H, I, K, L, N, Q, R, S, T, and Z.
- The state course code field length is updated from 5 to 6 in the Academic Record section that has a State Crs Code column, which draws from the Mark Reporting Setup's Course Equivalency Definition option.
- The student's designation of suffix in the last name will be printed with all known current and former legal names as well as other names used. The format is as follows: Last Name (including suffix if applicable), First Name Middle Name or Middle Initial.