2016-2017 WA Transcript Features
The Washington Transcript output per the state's 2016-2017 Standardized High School Transcript delays the High School Science Standard Assessment as a graduation prerequisite until the Class of 2021.
- Retains provisions in the substitute bill delaying a requirement obligating students in the graduating class of 2017 onward to meet the state standard on a high school science assessment as a graduation prerequisite until the graduating class of 2021, and specifies that the 2021 science assessment must be a comprehensive science assessment based on essential academic learning requirements adopted by the SPI in 2013; and
- Retains provisions in the substitute bill making provisions related to the delay of the science assessment as a graduation prerequisite retroactive to the class of 2017.
The ADDITIONAL STATE REQUIREMENTS section in the Washington Transcript was previously updated only to show Science Standard tests for students graduating in 2017 or later, with allowable values as MET, WAIVED, or NOT MET. Beginning with the graduating class of 2021, it is a graduation requirement to meet the state science standard on the high school assessment or by one of the approved alternatives. This heading should be displayed on all transcripts for students in the graduating class of 2021 and later.
A student who has met standard on the high school assessment or one of the approved alternatives for a CAA or CIA will have a value of MET in the Washington Transcript output. The value in the Washington Transcript output will be WAIVED if the student has been granted a Special, Unavoidable Circumstance Waiver, Awareness Level Waiver, or Out of State Transfer Waiver.