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VA Restraint and Seclusion

Menu path: From the Registration menu, select the Entry & Reports submenu, select Student District Defined, and then select VA Restraint and Seclusion.

Event DateEnter the date the seclusion or restraint occurred.
Number of Seclusions

Enter the number of times the student was placed into seclusion.

Used only for students in private schools for students with disabilities.

Total Number of Restraints

Enter the number of times the student was restrained.

Used only for students in private schools for students with disabilities.

Physical RestraintsEnter the number of times the student was subjected to physical restraint.
Mechanical RestraintsEnter the number of times the student was subjected to mechanical restraint.

These are the validations on the VA Restraint and Seclusion page that do not allow you to save the page due to the following conditions:

  • If the Total Number of Restraints field has a value but the Physical Restraints and Mechanical Restraints fields do not have a value.

  • If either of Mechanical Restraints or Physical Restraints fields has a value, but the Total Number of Restraints field does not have a value.

  • If the Mechanical Restraints and Physical Restraints fields have a value, but the Total Number of Restraints field does not have a value.

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