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VA Flexible Instructional Time

This page is for recording the number of hours a student participated in flexible instructional programs provided outside of the normal school day.

Menu path: From the Registration menu, choose the Entry & Reports submenu, choose Student District Defined, and then select VA Flexible Instructional Time.

DateEnter the date the student participated in Flexible instructional program provided outside of the normal school day.
Number of hours

Enter the number of hours of Flexible instructional program provided outside of the normal school day that the student participated in.


The data element named Hours of Flexible Instruction is added to process SRC download and extract.

In the download, the Hours of Flexible Instruction for a student will be:

  • Set to the value entered in the Number of Hours field or the sum of values entered for Number of Hours in case of multiple rows.

  • Set to zero if no value is entered.

  • Set to zero if the Grade Code is PK, TT, or PG.

  • Set to zero if the Active Status Code is N.

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