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Print Custom Transcripts

This section will describe how to use the Print Custom Transcripts feature.


  1. Verify the building's Yearly Transcript View (Administration > Mark Reporting Setup > View Setup > Transcript View Setup) is set to use the default transcript.
  2. Run the Verified Credits calculation.
  3. Run the Interval Calculation (Attendance > All > Utilities > Interval Totals Calculation). This ensures all totals are accurate on the transcript.
  4. Run the GPA Calculation (Mark Reporting > Utilities > Calculations > GPA Calculation). This ensures that GPA and ranks are accurate.
  5. Run the Transcript Data Warehouse (Mark Reporting > Utilities > Build Transcript Data > Generate Transcript Data Warehouse). Note: This can be run directly from the Print Custom Transcript page.


Mark Reporting > Entry & Reports > Transcript Reports > Print Custom Transcripts




Enter the building(s) for which you are creating the Custom Transcripts.

Refresh Transcript Data Before Print

Checked if you wish to refresh any data in the Transcript data warehouse from this page. It will activate the options below.

Note: This will perform the same function as the Generate Transcript Warehouse calculation (Mark Reporting > Utilities > Build Transcript Data > Generate Transcript Data Warehouse).

Print Courses Without Marks

Checked if you wish to have courses appear without marks on the transcripts.

Earliest Withdrawal Date for Inactive Students

Select the earliest withdrawal date for the inactive students that you want to print. Students withdrawn after this date will be included in the data warehouse.

Print Course Info

Select whether the transcript should print the local course information or state course information for courses.

  • Regular Course Description - to print the course code and description from the Master Schedule.
  • State Course Description - to print the course code and description for the State Course defined for the local course.

Sample Report



Transcript Header

This includes the date, page number, district name, and title (Student Transcript).

Student Header

This includes the school's 7-digit code (district + building code), building information, and program information (VA GED and EARLY) if applicable.

Course Information

The custom transcript will display up to four marks. It also displays Verified Credits and totals.


The transcript displays the student's GPA/rank.

Industry Certification

Displays all Industrial Certifications for the student, if applicable. This will only display Industry Certs that the student has passed.

Attendance Record

Displays attendance totals for student for the school year. The sum is calculated using the interval set up on the Transcript View Setup page.


Displays activities for the student.

Transcript Footer

Displays the signature, title, and date.

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