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Overview of Virginia State Reporting

Virginia State Reporting in eSchoolPlus comprises data entry pages to capture Virginia specific information and several State submissions:

  • Student Record Collection (SRC):
    • Fall
    • Spring
    • End-of-Year (EOY)
    • Summer
    • EIMS
  • Master Schedule Collection (MSC):
    • Fall
    • End-of-Year (EOY)
  • Student Behavior and Administrative Response Collection (SBAR)
  • Discipline, Crime and Violence (DCV) Annual Report
  • State Report ID (SDU)

The following table lists the Virginia State Reporting submissions, a brief description and the timeline for the submission.


Description from State Document

Submission Timeframe and Due Date

Fall Student Record Collection (SRC)

School divisions submit information reflecting student records as of October 1. The reported information is used to revise average daily membership (ADM) estimates and to finalize the state budget submitted by the governor.

Due in mid-October

Spring Student Record Collection (SRC)

School divisions submit information reflecting student records as of March 31. The reported information is used to determine final SOQ accounts (basic aid, fringe benefits, and so on) and several other direct aid to public education accounts.

Due in mid-April

End of Year Student Record Collection (SRC)

School divisions submit information reflecting student records as of the last day of the school year. In addition, school divisions report the number of days in session and instructional hours.

Due in mid-July

Summer Student Record Collection

This submission includes information reflecting summer school graduates and CTE finisher information.

Due August 23

Fall Master Schedule Collection (MSC)

School divisions submit course-enrollment data linking courses taught to teacher qualifications. This data is required to satisfy federal assurances for Indicators (b)(1), (b)(2), and (b)(3) of the State Fiscal Stabilization Fund.

Due in early December

End of Year Master Schedule Collection (MSC)

School divisions submit course data linking teachers to students and courses taught. This data is required to satisfy federal assurances for Indicators (b)(1), (b)(2), and (b)(3) of the State Fiscal Stabilization Fund.

Due in end of August

Student Behavior and Administrative Response Collection (SBAR)

School divisions submit data to the Virginia Department of Education (VDOE) on events, behaviors, and responses that occur within the Local Education Agency (LEA), private providers to the students for whom the LEA is responsible, or the public regional programs to the students for whom the LEA is responsible.

The SBAR is collected twice a year: 

  • Preliminary SBAR (February 1st through mid-March)
    • This collection may retire after the school year 2023-2024
    • This is not required for regional programs at this time, but submission is encouraged
  • End of Year (EOY) SBAR (July 3rd through August)

Due twice a year.

  • Preliminary SBAR (February 1st through mid-March).
  • End of Year SBAR (July 3rd through August).

Discipline, Crime and Violence (DCV) Annual Report

School divisions statewide submit data annually to the Virginia Department of Education (VDOE) on incidents of discipline, crime, and violence. These incidents shall include those that occurred on school property, on a school bus, or at a school-sponsored activity.

Due in end of July

State Report ID (SDU)

Districts request State IDs by creating a file from eSchoolPlus and upload a file into eSchoolPlus from the State after the State has assigned State IDs.


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