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October 2023 Major Maintenance Release

These changes have been released in the following software version:

  • ESP_23.10.0.0



Release Note

ESP-89611VA MSC Download
  • Added the VA_MSC_COURSE_DAYS table.
  • Added the ENROLLMENT_FLAG column to the VA MSC Student Download table.
  • Added the Course Calculation field on the VA MSC Download page.

VA MSC Download

Included the 50% Course Enrollment data element in the F record (a flag that indicates that the student was enrolled in the course 50% or more of the term reported). This data element can only be Y or N.

On the VA MSC Download page, added the Course Calculation checkbox to calculate data for the 50% Course Enrollment data element and set the flag for Enrollment Flag.
A warning message will be generated and shown in Task Logs for the following conditions:

  • If more than 25% of F records are reported as N, the following warning message will be logged:
    Warning message: More than 25% of F Records cannot be reported as N.

  • If all F records are reported as N, this will result in a fatal error during state submission, so the following warning message will be logged:
    Warning message: All F Records cannot be reported as N.

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