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June 2022 Minor Maintenance Release

These changes have been released in the following software version:

  • ESP_21.4.27.0



Release Note

ESP-74280SBAR Collection

Updated processing for the SBAR download to include students outside of the enrolled dates. Implemented additional processing as follows:

  • The Enrolled School in C Record will be the building on the Entry/Withdrawal Page, if the student is enrolled in regular school year as on the date of the incident.
  • The Enrolled School in C Record will be the Responsible Building in the VA Responsible Building Program, if the student is enrolled outside of the regular school year as on the date of the incident, and the date of the incident falls within the date tracked against the Responsible Building in the VA Responsible Building program.
  • The Enrolled School in C Record will be reported blank if the student is enrolled outside of the regular school year as on the date of the incident, and the date of the incident falls outside of the date range tracked against the Responsible Building in the VA Responsible Building program or if there is no Responsible Building entered for the student in the VA Responsible Building program. A warning message will also be displayed in the C Download Error log.
ESP-74261Student Record Collection (SRC)

Updated the processing when there is a change in the Alternate Serving Building of a student:

  • If there is a corresponding Entry/Withdrawal record, includes all details in the Entry/Withdrawal page to the SRC report.
  • If there is no corresponding Entry/Withdrawal record, uses W201 as the withdrawal code for the inactive record and R201 as the entry code for the active record.
ESP-73577VA SBAR Download

Updated the C Record download to handle blank values for the Action Duration field.

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