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January 2023 Major Maintenance Release

These changes have been released in the following software version:

  • ESP_23.1.0.0



Release Note

ESP-81619VA SBAR Download

Updated the warning messages that are displayed in Task Logs when inactive Disciplinary Sanction Codes, Behavioral Intervention Codes, Instructional Support Codes, and Offender Types are pulled into the SBAR Download.

ESP-81281VA Restraint and Seclusion

Added two columns to capture Physical Restraints and Mechanical Restraints on the VA Restraint and Seclusion page. Renamed the existing column of Number of Restraints to Total Number of Restraints.

ESP-80915VA SBAR Download

Corrected the validation rule for Disciplinary Sanction Code to verify if the code is NONE instead of NULL before validating the Hours Sanctioned field and logging a warning message.

ESP-79985VA SBAR Download

Added the Start Date and End Date fields on the VA SBAR Download page to enable users to determine the dates against which the SBAR Download Report should be generated only for the End of Year Submission. These fields will be prefilled with the dates mentioned in the Report Periods validation table for all report periods but will only be editable for the End of Year Submission.

ESP-79671VA SRC Download

Updated processing for the MOP Flag to report N in the download if there is no corresponding Virtual Program Code.

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