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February 2023 Major Maintenance Release

These changes have been released in the following software version:

  • ESP_23.2.0.0



Release Note

ESP-82583VA Restraint and Seclusion

Added validations on the VA Restraint and Seclusion page to not save if the following conditions are met:

  • If the Total Number of Restraints field has a value but the Physical Restraints and Mechanical Restraints fields do not have a value.
  • If either of Mechanical Restraints or Physical Restraints fields has a value, but the Total Number of Restraints field does not have a value.
  • If the Mechanical Restraints and Physical Restraints fields have a value, but the Total Number of Restraints field does not have a value.
ESP-82218Incident Detail

The Offender Type prompt in the VA Offender Information panel on the Offender Detail page has been renamed to Unknown Offender Type. All error or warning messages have also been updated to reflect the label change.

ESP-82027VA SBAR Collection and Offender Detail

Updated the processing to display the following warning message if the Disciplinary Sanction Code is NONE and the Actual Duration is not blank/null.

Warning Message: The Days Sanctioned value must be blank if the Disciplinary Sanction Code is NONE.

ESP-81782VA SRC Download

Updated the download processing validations to check if the Total Number of Restraints is not equal to the sum of Physical and Mechanical Restraints for each record on the VA Restraint and Seclusion page. If not equal, a warning message will be generated which can be viewed from the Task Logs.

ESP-81620VA SBAR Download

All warning and error messages generated from the SBAR Download processing will now be visible from the Task Logs only. Removed the error messages from the Error Log PDF file generated for the SBAR Download.

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