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View PEIMS OFSDP Records

Menu path: Select Regulatory from the main menu, select Calculations submenu, select View Calculated PEIMS Data, and then select View PEIMS OFSDP Records.

Use this page to maintain Optional Flexible School Day Program (OFSDP) attendance for a student. If your building used eSchoolPlus to take attendance for OFSDP students, you can use the Build PEIMS OFSDP Records option to calculate records based on attendance, scheduling, and program data.

You can also use this page to enter the minutes present, Special Education excess minutes, and the career technical minutes present for each date for a student.

For more information on OFSDP reporting, refer to Optional Flexible School Day Program Reporting.

ADA EligibilityDisplays the student's ADA Eligibility code and description as of today. This value is set in the PEIMS Demographics program.
Instructional SettingDisplays the student's Instructional Setting code and description as of today. This value is set in the PEIMS Special Education program.
Flexible Attendance Program TypeDisplays the student's Flexible Attendance Program Type code and description as of today. This value is set in the PEIMS Demographics program.
Career Tech IndicatorDisplays the student's Career Tech Indicator code and description as of today. This value is set in the PEIMS Career and Technology program.
Special Education IndicatorDisplays the student's Special Education Indicator code and description as of today. This value is set in the PEIMS Special Education program.
Bilingual Program Type CodeDisplays the student's Bilingual Program Type code and description as of today. This value is set in the PEIMS Demographics program.
ESL Program Type CodeDisplays the student's ESL Program Type code and description as of today. This value is set in the PEIMS Demographics program.
Pregnancy Related ServicesDisplays the student's Pregnancy Related Services code and description as of today. This value is set in the PEIMS Demographics program.
Flexible Attendance Date

Date of the OFSDP attendance information.

If you are entering records, you must enter a date on which the student has an ADA Eligibility Code of 7 (Eligible - Flexible Attendance Program Participation) or 8 (Ineligible - Flexible Attendance Program Participation).

Total Minutes

Total number of minutes that the student was present for the date.

Do not enter a record if the student had less than 45 minutes present for the date.

If the record was calculated by the Build PEIMS OFSDP Records option, this total reflects the student's total minutes present in day totals as calculated for the OFSD view.

SE Excess Minutes

Number of minutes that the student exceeded the allowable 360 contact minutes of combined career and technical education and special education services.

Do not enter a value in this field unless the student also has a value in the Career Tech Minutes Present field.

If the record was calculated by the Build PEIMS OFSDP Records option and the student has an instructional setting that is not equal to 40 or is receiving speech therapy on the date, this total was calculated by subtracting 360 from the student's Total Minutes value for the day.

Career Tech Minutes Present

Number of minutes that the student was present for an approved career and technical education course(s) on the date.

If the record was calculated by the Build PEIMS OFSDP Records option, this total was calculated based on the minutes that a student was scheduled for a course that would be eligible for career and technology contact hours. A course is eligible for contact hours if the Votec box is checked in the Master Schedule and the Contact Hours field on the PEIMS Course page has a value.

If this total is incorrect for a student because the student is in a course during a period that also contains lunch time, refer to the Lunch Group section in the documentation.

OverrideChecked if you do not want the Build PEIMS OFSDP Records option to calculate attendance information for this date.
DeleteTo delete a record, select the row's Delete checkbox, then click Save.
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