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View Attendance and Special Program Contact Hours

Menu path: Select Regulatory from the main menu, select Calculations submenu, select View Calculated PEIMS Data, and then select View Attendance and Special Program Contact Hours.

Use this option to review the data calculated by the Attendance Contact Hours.

The View Attendance and Special Program Contact Hours page displays the attendance records (tx_stu_atnd) for each of the attendance reporting periods. These records are used to create the following records:

  • 400 Student Basic Attendance
  • 405 Student Special Education Attendance
  • 410 Student Career & Technology Education Attendance
  • 500 Student - Flexible Attendance Data
  • 505 Student - Special Education Flexible Attendance
  • 510 Student - Career & Technical Education (CTE) Flexible Attendance

They also are used in attendance reports. If you need to correct the data, change the appropriate programs or attendance information and then run the Attendance Contact Hours calculation (menu path: select Regulatory from the main menu, select Calculations submenu, select Calculations, and then select Attendance Contact Hours) again.

DistrictDistrict number for your district.
School YearSchool year for the attendance record.
Reporting PeriodNumber (1 – 6) indicating the reporting period of the attendance record.
Element CodeCode indicating the element for which the attendance record was created. The following element codes may display:
  • ADA Eligibility - E0787
  • Pregnancy Services - PRSRV
  • CTE Contact Hrs - CTHRS
  • Primary Disability - E0041
  • Instructional Setting - E0173
  • Speech Therapy - E0857
  • ESL Program - E1043
  • Bilingual Program - E1042
  • PEP - E1012 (no longer collected as of 2012-2013)
  • Flexible Attendance - E1045
  • Gifted and Talented - E0034
  • Multiply Disabled - E0882
Element Value Indicates the student's value for the element for the associated date range.
Student Entry Date Student's entry date from entry/withdrawal for the record.
Element Start Date Start date for the associated element value based on program tracking information. If the student's start date for the program is earlier than the student's entry date, the entry date will be used.
Element End Date End date for the associated element value based on program tracking information.
Days Taught Number of days the calendar meets for the reporting period.
Membership DaysNumber of membership days that the student had the associated element value.
Days Absent Number of days the student was absent for the attendance record.
Days Present EligibleNumber of days the student was present, enrolled in the associated program, and had an ADA code that indicated the student was eligible.
Days Present Eligible RSNumber of days the student was remote synchronously present, enrolled in the associated program, and had an ADA code that indicated the student was eligible.
Days Present Eligible RANumber of days the student was remote asynchronously present, enrolled in the associated program, and had an ADA code that indicated the student was eligible.
Days Present IneligibleNumber of days the student was present, enrolled in the associated program, and had an ADA code that indicated the student was ineligible.
Service IDTotal number of excess contact hours based on the sum of Contact Hours from each Service ID per day.
Contact Hours

Total number of contact hours for the reporting period. This total is calculated by multiplying the number of contact hours by the Days Taught value.

This value is reported for the following element codes:

  • CTE Contact Hrs – The calculation uses hours entered for the Contact Hours program in the PEIMS Career and Technology program.
  • Instructional Setting – The calculation uses the Contact Value from the Instructional Settings validation table.

If a student has more than 6 contact hours for CTE and instructional setting on any day, the excess hours will be excluded from the total for Instructional Setting total.

Excess Contact Hours

Total number of excess contact hours for the reporting period. If a student has more than 6 hours of contact hours for CTE and instructional setting on a day, the excess hours will be reported for instructional setting and will be added to this total.

This value is reported for Instructional Setting.

Excess Contact Hours RS

Total number of excess contact hours attended remote synchronously for the reporting period. If a student has more than 6 hours of contact hours for CTE and instructional setting on a day, the excess hours will be reported for instructional setting and will be added to this total.

This value is reported for Instructional Setting.

Excess Contact Hours RA

Total number of excess contact hours attended remote asynchronously for the reporting period. If a student has more than 6 hours of contact hours for CTE and instructional setting on a day, the excess hours will be reported for instructional setting and will be added to this total.

This value is reported for Instructional Setting.

Total Minutes Present For students participating in OFSDP, indicates the total number of minutes the student was present for the reporting period.
Equivalent Days PresentFor students participating in OFSDP, indicates the equivalent number of days the student was present. Calculated by dividing the Total Min Present value by 360.
EB IndicatorCode indicating whether the student has been identified as emergent bilingual by the Language Proficiency Assessment Committee (LPAC), or English proficient.
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