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Teacher Access Center Setup

Teacher Access Building Configuration

Menu path: From the Administration menu, choose TAC Setup, choose Setup, and then select TAC Building Configuration.

Teacher Access Center provides the option to lock attendance so teachers cannot update attendance after submission. If you lock attendance, teachers must notify the building attendance office if corrections are necessary.

You can lock attendance for all periods or the official attendance periods.

Texas Attendance Panel

Access SettingSelect the lock out option for attendance in Teacher Access Center.
  • No Lock Out: There is no restriction on the number of times that a staff person may save attendance for sections in this building.
  • Lock Out for Official Attendance Period only: For course-sections or homerooms in this building that occur during an official attendance period, staff are only allowed to take attendance once per day. There is no restriction for sections that meet outside of the official attendance periods. TAC will not allow staff members to update attendance for any periods selected in the View Setup defined as the official attendance view.
  • Lock Out for all Attendance Periods: For all attendance periods, staff are only allowed to take attendance once per day.
Official Attendance ViewIf you lock out attendance for the official attendance period, select the attendance view setup. The periods in the attendance view are the official attendance periods.
Lockout Notification MessageEnter the text to display when a teacher opens the attendance page after previously taking attendance. Policies defined on the configuration prevent attendance from being re-taken.

The Photo Attendance page currently does not support locking attendance periods.

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