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Student and Contact Addresses

Menu Path: For students, from the Registration menu, choose Entry & Reports, choose Student Demographic, and then select Addresses. Use the Addresses panel.

Menu Path: For parents or guardians, from the Registration menu, choose Entry & Reports, choose Student Demographic, and then select Contacts. Click the Name link and use the Addresses panel.

This section summarizes how student and student contact address information is used in Texas state reporting. 

TSDS SPPI-14 Data Collection

The State Performance Plan Indicator 14 collection pulls student address information in the Student extension and guardian address information in the Parent extension. For students and guardians, the TSDS Download uses the mailing address as the Address Type (E1113). The submitted address includes the following fields from the Mailing Address section on the Addresses panel:

  • For Element E1114 (Street Number Name), the download combines the following unlabeled fields: House Number, Street Prefix, Street, Street Type, and Street Suffix. Street Prefix and Street Suffix are only available if your District Definition has Simple Address Format un-checked.
  • For Element E1115 (Apartment Room Suite Number), the download combines the Apt and Complex fields.

For the Parent extension, the download submits the Address for the student's Priority 1 contact with Type = Guardian.

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