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September 2022 Major Maintenance Release

These changes have been released in the following software version:

  • ESP_22.9.0.0



Release Note

ESP-78608TREx Export

Corrected the log file name for the Student Summary export.

ESP-78582TREx Export

Updated the State Course abbreviations with apostrophes to download course data without errors.

ESP-78554TREx Export

When running the demographic portion of the TREx download, school names will be truncated to 34 characters.

ESP-78526TREx Export

Resolved an error when running the TREx Export from the Student Summary page, causing incorrect delete logic in the Parent and Programs data.

ESP-78520TREx Export

When Exempt is set on the Student EOC Requirements HB5 page for the Covid waived year 2020, the test history will be included on the Assessment portion of the TREx extract.

ESP-78498TREx Export

Updated the processing to include the missing courses that have multiple sessions a student attends, with combinations of sessions receiving grades and ungraded sessions.

ESP-78497TREx Export

Updated the processing to allow the Transfer Courses to be included in the TREx extract when the student does not have an entry or withdrawal for that year.

ESP-78369TREx Export

Updated the processing to include alphanumeric student ID values that caused an error in the Course download.

ESP-78346TREx Export

Updated the TREx Export to include no-show entry withdrawal records when processing Grade Promoted and Withdrawal Reason fields in the Enrollment complex type.

ESP-78320TREx Export

Students that have “Did Not Meet” for their highest level on the Student EOC Requirements HB5 page do not error in the assessment part of the download.

Students that do not have a valid value in the highest level get a blank in the performance level in the download. This will mean the performance level does not get included in the export.

ESP-78026Course/Staff/Student Download

Updated the Course Completion (415) download processing to log an error and not create a record for courses without semester marks.

ESP-77826Attendance Contact Hours Calculation and Course/Staff/Student Download

Updated the Attendance Contact Hours calculation and the 400 Basic Reporting Period Attendance download to allow processing of ADSY attendance from a summer enrollment for an Extended Year Reporting Period 9 (ADSY).

ESP-77545Student Detail Attendance Register Report, Student Totals Register, and Student Details Register

Added the Exclude ADA 9 Students option on the Student Detail Attendance Register Report page to exclude students that were in the ADA 9 program from the Student Details Register and Student Totals Register reports.

ESP-77184TEDS Extract

Updated the Reporting Period Extension for the Extended Year submission to make all the Reporting Period 9 (ADSY) records report an Instructional Program Type of 16.

ESP-77077Validation Tables (Disability Category)

Updated the code 06 description to Deaf and Hard of Hearing in the Disability Category validation table.

ESP-76538TSDS Download

Added three rules for the Class Roster - Winter validation:

  • 30310-0001: For a Teacher School Association, there must be a staff person with a matching TX-UNIQUE-STAFF-ID and at least one TEACHER-INCENTIVE-ALLOTMENT-DESIGNATION-CODE.
  • 30310-0003: If the last three characters of CAMPUS-ID are "999" for a Teacher School Association reported for the Class Roster collection, then there should not be another Teacher School Association reported with a matching TX-UNIQUE-STAFF-ID where the last three characters of CAMPUS-ID are not "999".
  • 30310-000D: The combination of the following fields must be unique for each Teacher School Association: TX-UNIQUE-STAFF-ID and CAMPUS-ID.
ESP-76530Print Transcripts

Added a Did Not Meet message for EOC test scores if the student has an Individual Graduation Comm value of 02 - IGC Graduate on the PEIMS Demographic page.

ESP-75616 State Course Equivalency

Updated the State Course Equivalency calculation process that caused a primary key violation when processing two local courses from the same state course that the student received marks for in the same marking period.

ESP-75072Course/Staff/Student Download

Updated the 400 Basic Reporting Period Attendance download process to use the highest grade for the year/building across all reporting periods that apply to that year/building.

ESP-74732Course/Staff/Student Download

Updated the Attendance (400) and Special ED Attendance (405) downloads processing to not include the ADA 9 days.

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