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Performance Acknowledgment Pages

Menu path: From the Registration menu, choose Entry & Reports, choose Student District Defined, and then select the desired Perf Ack page.

The following pages are available:

  • Perf Ack AP IB Exams
  • Perf Act Bilit/Biling
  • Perf Ack Certs/Licenses
  • Perf Ack College Assessments
  • Perf Ack Dual Credit

The acknowledgments display on the Performance Acknowledgments lines on the transcript after the Endorsements. The listing includes code values from the associated Performance Acknowledgment pages, excluding the Certifications/Licenses, which only display on the Perf Ack Certs/Licenses page.

Enter an Acknowledgment

  1. Navigate to the desired Performance Acknowledgment page.
  2. Choose the acknowledgment code.
  3. Complete the Date and Notes fields, as needed.
  4. To delete an acknowledgment, select the Delete field.
  5. Click Save.

The Performance Acknowledgment pages include a unique field for entering performance achievement. In each instance, the field name matches the page name.

Perf Ack AP IB Exams (9110/R)Choose the exam the student completed.
Perf Act Bilit/Biling (9120/R)

Choose the acknowledgment status.

Perf Ack Certs/Licenses (9130/R)

Choose the certification or license earned by the student. The following fields capture the required elements for TREx:

  • Post Secondary Cer/Lic (9130/R) / (e1733) - Indicates the result of a state, nationally, or internationally recognized industry-based certification exam taken by a student.
  • IBC Exam Fee (9130/R) / (e1654) - Indicates the amount paid for a student’s industry certification exam by the local education agency.
  • IBC Vendor Code (9130/R) / (e1655) - Indicates the organization or company offering the service.
Perf Ack College Assessments (9140/R)Choose:
  • 0 - Student not acknowledged for Assessment
  • 2 - Acknowledgment for PSAT: Commended scholar or higher
  • 3 - Acknowledgment for ACT: Composite score 28 or higher
  • 4 - Acknowledgment for SAT: Combined reading and mathematics score 1250 or higher (July 2014 - August 2016)
  • 5 - Acknowledgment for SAT: Scores of at least 410 in reading and 520 in mathematics (August 2016 - August 2018)
  • 6 - Acknowledgment for SAT: Composite score of at least 1310
  • 7 - Acknowledgment for ASPIRE: College readiness benchmark met on 3 or more of the 5 subject tests
Perf Ack Dual Credit (9150/R)Choose:
  • 0 - Student not acknowledged for Dual Credit
  • 1 - Acknowledgment for Associates degree
  • 2 - Acknowledgment for College credit hours
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