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PEIMS Title I Pages

PEIMS Title I fields record data reported as part of the following records:

  • 100
  • 110
  • 461

PEIMS Title I fields display on two pages.

  • Menu path: From the Registration menu, choose Entry & Reports, choose Student District Defined, and then select District-Defined PEIMS Title I Part A. Use this page to display all PEIMS Title I Part A fields. This page includes the student's current value for program-tracked fields, not the student's value as of the current date.
  • Menu path: From the Registration menu, choose Entry & Reports, choose Student Demographic, and then select Programs. Click 147 - PEIMS Title I Part A Data (Program). Use this page to review the history for all programs tracked for PEIMS Title I Part A.


Use the Programs option to manage values for program-tracked fields so you can also update any related programs. If you click the field's link on the district-defined page, you can only access the program records for that field.

To change a student's value for a program-tracked field, enter an end date to close the existing program, then enter a start date and select the Value to open a new one.

All Title I fields are program-tracked.

Title I Part A Indicator (e0894)

Choose the code that indicates whether the student is participating in a program authorized under ESEA, Title I, Part A of the Improving America's Schools Act. (110, 461 Records)

If the Title I Part A Indicator = 6 (The Student Attends A Title I, Part A Schoolwide Program School), the student should not have values for the other indicators on this page.

Homeless Status Code (e1082)Choose a value if the student is homeless and their primary nighttime residence at the time the homeless status was identified. (100 Record)
Unaccompanied Youth Code (e1084)Choose a value if a homeless student is also unaccompanied (not in the physical custody of a parent or legal guardian) and if so, whether they received services under the McKinney-Vento program at any time during the school year. (100 Record)
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