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PEIMS FAFSA Information

Menu path: From the Registration menu, choose Entry & Reports, choose Student Demographic, and then select Programs. Click FAFSA - PEIMS FAFSA Information.

These fields record the Federal Student Aid application data as part of the 101 and 300 records.


Financial Aid Application Code

Choose a value to indicate the financial aid application code status.

This is included in the PEIMS Summer submission download and extract in the TX_203 Search, Student Download Summary, and the Student Graduation Program extension in the Student Enrollment Interchange file.

Financial Aid Application Type

Choose a value to indicate the financial aid type.

Financial Aid Application Met DateEnter the financial aid application approved date. If there is a value for the Financial Aid Application Code, this field is required.

The TREx processing will review and remove any date checking when reporting the Financial Application Code and Financial Application Met Date fields as they are no longer program-tracked.

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