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PEIMS Census Block Group

Menu path: From the Registration menu, choose Entry & Reports, choose Student District Defined, and then select PEIMS Census Block Group.

Census Block Group (e1648)

Enter the 12-digit census block where the student resides. This field is required for students who are marked as economically disadvantaged.

Process Census Block Group

Menu path: From the Regulatory menu, choose Utilities, choose Utilities, and then select Process Census Block Group.

  1. Select the buildings to process in the utility.
  2. Enter the applicable Minimum GeoCode Score.
  3. Click Run.

TX Census Block Group Export

  1. Navigate to the Run Download page.
  2. Select TXCBG - TX Census Block Group Export for the Interface ID.
  3. Enter the Start Date when the student was assigned the Census Block Group number.
  4. In the Filter panel, select the following:
    • Demographic for Area.
    • Student ID for Field Name.
    • = (equals) for Condition.
    • Enter the Student ID for Value.
  5. Click Run.

The TX Census Block Group Export retrieves the eSchoolPlus Student ID to streamline loading the results from the TEA Census Block Tool back into eSchoolPlus.

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