Organization Catalog
This view captures a list of Texas districts defined on the PowerSchool server. The layout includes the School Name, District ID, District Name, Last Publish Date, Publishing ID, and Resource ID.
eSP Source Data
Tables: REG_DISTRICT (rd), reg_user_district (rud)
Selection Criteria
(same as Base Profile): One record published for each distinct district where rd.validation_only = 'N'
Resource Output
The localEducationAgencies resource is not dependent on the prior publishing of other Ed-Fi resources.
LEAs and Schools may upload (publish) data to the ODS in real time or on-demand ("Run Now" button).
Note: Click Export to export the data collection results to an Excel spreadsheet.
This resource represents an administrative unit at the local level, which exists primarily to operate schools or to contract for educational services. It includes school districts, charter schools, charter management organizations, or other local administrative organizations.
Category | Resource | Data Element | Description | TX Element | TX Element Name | eSP Source | Required? | Comments |
Organization Catalog |
| ||
localEducationAgencies |
| Tables: REG_DISTRICT (rd), reg_user_district (rud) | Y | ||||
addresses | [Array} | Y | ||||||
addressType | hard coded | Y | Publishes '02' Physical | |||||
streetNumberName | coalesce(rd.street1, 'No Address Available') | Y | trim(regexp_substr((select to_char(value) from prefs where name like 'DistrictAddress'), '[^,]+')) | |||||
apartmentRoomSuiteNumber | rd.street2 as apartmentRoomSuiteNumber, | N | trim(regexp_substr((select to_char(value) from prefs where name like 'DistrictAddress'), '[^,]+', 1, 2)) | |||||
city | coalesce(, 'No City Available') | Y | ||||||
stateAbbreviation | rd.state | Y | ||||||
postalCode | coalesce(trim(, 'No Zip Code') | Y | ||||||
categories.educationOrganizationCategory | '02' | Y | 02 = Local Education Agency | |||||
identificationCodes | [Array} | N | ||||||
EducationOrganizationIdentificationSystemDescriptor | hard coded | Y | Publishes'SEA'; LEA | |||||
IdentificationCode | SEA: rd.state_code_equiv | Y | SEA - only if not null | |||||
localEducationAgencyCategoryDescriptor | E3019 | Y | '01' for School District, '02' for Charter | |||||
localEducationAgencyId | E0212 | DISTRICT-ID | coalesce(rd.state_code_equiv, rd.district) | Y | Formatted, publish integer value | |||
nameOfInstitution | E3037 | | Y | |||||
TX extensions |
| |||||
armedServicesVocAptBatteryIndicatorDescriptor | E1625 | ARMED-SERVICES-VOC-APT-BATTERY-INDICATOR-CODE | rud.field_value where rud.screen_number ='11110', rud.field_number = '18' | TX | '00' ASVAB not offered; '01' ASVAB offered; '02' alternative career exploration test offered | |||
familyEngagementPlanLink | E1583 | FAMILY-ENGAGEMENT-PLAN-LINK | rud.field_value where rud.screen_number ='11110', rud.field_number = '17' | TX | ||||
totalCostSchoolBoardRequests | E1557 | TOTAL-COST-SCHOOL-BOARD-REQUESTS | rud.field_value where rud.screen_number ='11110', rud.field_number = '12' | TX | ||||
totalNumSchoolBoardRequests | E1556 | TOTAL-NUM-SCHOOL-BOARD-REQUESTS | rud.field_value where rud.screen_number ='11110', rud.field_number = '11' | TX | ||||
pkProgramEvaluationTypeDescriptor | E1626 | PROGRAM-EVALUATION-TYPE | REG_USER_DISTRICT where screen_number = 10170, field_number = 2 | TX | ||||
giftedTalentedPrograms | [Array] | TX | ||||||
giftedTalendedProgramDescriptor | E1645 | GIFTED-TALENTED-PROGRAM-CODE | rud.field_value where rud.screen_number ='11114', rud.field_number = '1' through '6' | TX | Field number 1 - 00 - No Gifted/Talented Programs | |||
programOfStudies | [Array] | TX | ||||||
programOfStudyDescriptor | E1643 | PROGRAM-OF-STUDY | txtb_c220.code where txtb_c220.report_to_tsds = 'Y' | TX | Descriptor codes 001 - 018 not mutually exclusive, report all that apply in array | |||
additional fields for display only |
| |||||
'LEA Office' | district view only |
This view captures a detailed list of schools defined in PowerSchool. The layout includes the School Name, State Organization ID, State School Number, Last Publish Date, Publishing ID, and Resource ID.
This resource represents an educational organization that includes staff and students who participate in classes and educational activity groups.
eSP Source Data
Tables: Reg_Building (rb), Reg_Building_Grade (rbg), regtb_bldg_types rbt, Reg_User_Building (rub)
Publishing adds TX extension data to record in ODS (populated by TEA and downloaded)
Selection Criteria
One record published for each school (rb) where:
rb.district = rd.district
rbt.code = rb.building_type
rb.transfer_building = 'N'
rb.out_of_district = 'N'
Resource Output
The localEducationAgencies resource is not dependent on the prior publishing of other Ed-Fi resources.
LEAs and Schools may upload (publish) data to the ODS in real time or on-demand ("Run Now" button).
Note: Click Export to export the data collection results to an Excel spreadsheet.
Resource | Data Element | Description | TX Element | TX Element Name | eSP Source | Required? | Comments |
addresses | Y | Array | |||||
addressType | hard coded | Y | Publishes '02' Physical | ||||
streetNumberName | coalesce(rb.street1, 'No Address Available') | Y | |||||
apartmentRoomSuiteNumber | rb.street2 | N | |||||
city | coalesce(, 'No City Available') | Y | |||||
stateAbbreviation | coalesce(rb.state, reg_district.state) | Y | |||||
postalCode | coalesce(trim(, 'No Zip Code') | Y | |||||
categories | |||||||
eucationOrganizationCategoryDescriptor | E3037 | '03' | Y | 03 = School | |||
gradeLevels | [Array} | Y | Publishes all grade levels between sch.low_grade and sch.high_grade | ||||
gradeLevelDescriptor[1..n] | rbg.grade, all grades in table for each school | Y | |||||
schoolId | E0266 | CAMPUS-ID | coalesce(rb.state_code_equiv, rb.building) | Y | |||
localEducationAgencyReference | E0212 | DISTRICT-ID | coalesce(rd.state_code_equiv, rd.district) | TX | |||
identificationCodes | [Array} | N | |||||
EducationOrganizationIdentificationSystemDescriptor | 'LEA'; 'SEA' | Y | |||||
IdentificationCode | SEA: rb.state_code_equiv | Y | SEA - only if not null | ||||
institutionTelephones | [Array} | N | Publish main and Fax | ||||
institutionTelephoneNumberTypeDescriptor | 'Main'; 'Fax' | Y | |||||
telephoneNumber |; rb.fax | Y | |||||
nameOfInstitution | E3037 | | Y | displayed in district view only | |||
schoolCategoryDescriptor | rb.building_type | N | |||||
shortNameOfInstitution | rb.abbreviation | N | |||||
TX extensions |
| For each school, TX extension elements are published only if the school is the reporting school for its TX state school identifier. | |||
additionalDaysProgram | E1671 | ADDITIONAL-DAYS-PROGRAM-INDICATOR-CODE | Stored at the calendar level. If a calendar within a building has a day type flagged as Additional Days School Year program, the building gets flagged for the Additional Days program. | TX | The code snippet used to determine the ADSY Indicator: select * | ||
pkFullDayWaiver | E1646 | PK-FULL-DAY-WAIVER-INDICATOR-CODE | rub.field_value where rub.screen_number ='101', rub.field_number = '25' | TX | |||
expandedLearningOpportunity | E1613 | EXPANDED-LEARNING-OPPORTUNITY-INDICATOR-CODE | if any records exist in rub.screen_number = '10120', field_number = '1' and ELO exists for at least one campus in the LEA | TX | Added back in Dec 1 spec, indicates at least one ELO record for the current school year. | ||
numberOfBullyingIncidents | E1727 | NUMBER-OF-BULLYING-INCIDENTS | DISC_INCIDENT, DISC_INCIDENT_CODE, state code equiv = 61 | TX | select count(*) from DISC_INCIDENT a | ||
numberOfCyberBullyingIncidents | E1728 | NUMBER-OF-CYBERBULLYING-INCIDENTS | DISC_USER.FIELD_VALUE = 'Y' where Screen_number 1, field_number 2 | TX | Sum number of cyber bullying incidents for school year | ||
campusEnrollmentTypeSets | [Array] | TX | |||||
campusEnrollmentTypeDescriptor | E1641 | CAMPUS-ENROLLMENT-TYPE-CODE | rub.field_value where rub.screen_number ='101', rub.field_number = '27' | TX | building user screen 101 currenlty allows only one entry (rub.list_sequence = 1 all cases) | ||
beginDate | E3010 | Not stored in eSP, use school year start date | TX | TEA: May be in prior year | |||
endDate | E3020 | day after lastl day of school year term | TX | TEA: Day after last day of applicability | |||
charterWaitListSet |
| TX | Students are pre-registered in campus they are waitlisted for. Have student screen to show students waitlisted. | ||||
numberCharterStudentsEnrolled | E1674 | NUMBER-CHARTER-STUDENTS-ENROLLED | rub.field_value where rub.screen_number ='10130', rub.field_number = '1' | TX | building user screen 10130 currenlty allows only one entry (rub.list_sequence = 1 all cases) | ||
charterEduEnrollmentCapacity | E1675 | CHARTER-EDUCATIONAL-ENROLLMENT-CAPACITY | rub.field_value where rub.screen_number ='10130', rub.field_number = '2' | TX | |||
charterAdmissionWaitList | E1676 | CHARTER-ADMISSION-WAITLIST-INDICATOR-CODE | rub.field_value where rub.screen_number ='10130', rub.field_number = '3' | TX | |||
eloSets | [Array] | TX | Fred Q: Are begin/end dates same for PEIMS Extended Year where ELO type = 4? For PS, we are using day after end of school year for begin date and day before 1st day of school in next school year for that scenario. A: Jim, let's use the same logic for these dates that used in PS to keep things consisent. 07/21/2023 | ||||
eloTypeDescriptor | E1614 | ELO-TYPE-CODE | rub.field_value where rub.screen_number ='10120', rub.field_number = '1' | TX | building user screen 10120 allows multiple entries (rub.list_sequence varies) | ||
eloActivitySets | [Array] | TX | |||||
eloActivityDescriptor | E1619 | ELO-ACTIVITY-CODE | 01 -Rigorous Coursework if rub.screen_number = '10120', rub.field_number = '3' has a field_value = 'Y' | TX | building user screen 10120 allows multiple entries (rub.list_sequence varies) | ||
eloDaysScheduledPerYear | E1620 | ELO-DAYS-SCHEDULED-PER-YEAR | If ELO-ACTIVITY-CODE = 01, then rub.field_value where rub.screen_number = '10120', rub.field_number = '10' | TX | building user screen 10120 allows multiple entries (rub.list_sequence varies) | ||
eloMinutesScheduledPerDay | E1621 | ELO-MINUTES-SCHEDULED-PER-DAY | If ELO-ACTIVITY-CODE = 01, then rub.field_value where rub.screen_number = '10120', rub.field_number = '2' | TX | building user screen 10120 allows multiple entries (rub.list_sequence varies) | ||
nslpTypeSets | [Array] | TX | |||||
nslpTypeDescriptor | E1591 | NSLP-TYPE-CODE | rub.field_value where rub.screen_number ='101', rub.field_number = '24' | TX | building user screen 101 currenlty allows only one entry (rub.list_sequence = 1 all cases) | ||
beginDate | E3010 | use school year start | TX | TEA: Current year only | |||
endDate | E3020 | day after last day of school year term | TX | ||||
additional fields for display only |
| ||||
rb.building | district view only |
eSP Source Data
Tables: TXTB_011
Selection Criteria
SSA are stored in the txtb_011 validation table.
Resource Output
The localEducationAgencies resource is not dependent on the prior publishing of other Ed-Fi resources.
LEAs and Schools may upload (publish) data to the ODS in real time or on-demand ("Run Now" button).
Note: Click Export to export the data collection results to an Excel spreadsheet.
Resource | Data Element | Description | TX Element | TX Element Name | eSP Source | Required? | Comments |
ssaOrgAssociationExts |
| Tables: TXTB_011 | TX | TX Extension Resource | ||
educationOrganizationId | reg_district.state_code_equiv | TX | |||||
ssaTypeDescriptor | E0776 | SHARED-SVCS-ARRANGEMT-TYPE-CODE | txtb_011.shared_svcs_type | TX | |||
fiscalAgentDistrictId | E0777 | FISCAL-AGENT-DISTRICT-ID | txtb_011.fiscal_agent_id | TX |