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October 2021 Major Maintenance Release

These changes have been released in the following software versions unless otherwise noted in the release note:

  • ESP_19.11.44.0
  • ESP_20.4.37.0
  • ESP_21.4.14.0



Release Note

ESP-67433Student Registration and Attribution

Updated the Student EOC flags to only look at the current year courses, and Student Ethnicity values to use Y/N instead of 1/0.

ESP-67004TSDS Download

Updated the as of date to be saved in user prompts when the first run is for the EK submission.

ESP-66609TEDS Extract

Updated the TEDS Extract to not default the LEP indicator to 0 in Fall submission for all students.

ESP-66260Calculate Attendance Contact Hours

Added an option (Use Positive Attendance) to indicate if positive attendance should be used.

Updated calculation to allow views to use negative attendance. The negative attendance calculation will not process RS/RA days.

ESP-65988District Defined PEIMS Special Education, TSDS Download, and TSDS Extract

Added Disability Eligibility Date field to the District Defined PEIMS Special Education page.

Added DISABILITY_ELIGIBILITY_E1723 field to the TSDS Student download that will only be populated in the SE submission with the value from the Disability Eligibility Date field.

Added TX-EligibilityDateDisabilities field to the TSDS Student extract, which retrieves data from the DISABILITY_ELIGIBILITY_E1723 field.

ESP-65695Validation Tables (EB Indicators (c061)), Programs - 146, District Defined PEIMS Demographics, Credit Recovery, View Attendance and Special Program Contact Hours

Updated the instances of LEP to EB/Emergent Bilingual in the following pages:

  • Validation Tables - EB Indicators (c061)
  • Programs - 146-PEIMS Demographics
  • District Defined PEIMS Demographics
  • Credit Recovery
  • View Attendance and Special Program Contact Hours
ESP-65691District Defined PEIMS Demographics, Programs - 146, Course/Staff/Student Download, Student Download Summary, and TEDS Extract

Added GENERAL_EDUCATION_HOMEBOUND_INDICATOR (E1729) to the PEIMS Demographics programs and user-defined pages, PEIMS Student extension download and extract for the Summer submission.

ESP-65684TSDS Extract and Validation Tables (TX Child Care Facilities)

Added the TX Child Care Facilities validation table.

Extracted child care facilities within the Local Education Agency complex type inside the Ed Org interchange file. Any facility that has first year on or before current year and last year on or after current year will be included in the extract.

ESP-65683TREx Export

Updated the following when running for a single student or a group of students:

  • If GPA By Year is configured, the final Academic Summary will output GPA information based on the configuration used by the latest Academic Session from the GPA by Year table.
  • If GPA By Year is not configured for one year but was for a prior year, then that GPA Type will be used.
  • If GPA by Year is not configured, the final Academic Summary will output GPA information based on the GPA Type set on the building export configuration page.
ESP-65524TSDS Download

Updated the Calendar Date and Reporting Period to use the txtb_program_crosswalk table instead of the district user-defined page.

ESP-65523TEDS Extract

Updated the PEIMS Reporting Period and Calendar Date extract to use the PEIMS Instructional Program Crosswalk validation instead of the district user-defined page.

ESP-65522Validation Tables (TX Instructional Program Crosswalk)

Created TX Instructional Program Crosswalk validation table and PEIMS Instructional Program Crosswalk district-defined page to archive security. Only distinct records and the first records for each School Year/Building/CalendarSCE will be moved from the district page into the validation table, which will show Building, CalendarSCE, and Instructional Program fields only for the environment year the user is logged in.

Added Instructional Program Crosswalk to the Texas State Reporting options for Copy Setups, allowing a user to copy these settings by School Year and Building year-to-year.

Updated the Calendar Date and Reporting Period stored procedures to retrieve data from the validation table instead of the district-defined page.

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