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Medical Setup

If your site converted medical data, you must run the Immunization Validation option before exporting data to TREx, use the Validate Immunizations page.

Medical Records Validation Tables

Menu Path: From the Administration menu, choose General Setup, choose District, and then select Validation Tables. Choose Medical Records.




Define a code with State Code Equiv = SCOL to identify students to include in the Under Prior Treatment count for the Texas Spinal Screening Report.


Must define codes and state code equivalencies required to calculate medical screening reports. If the code indicates:

  • Specialist exams where treatment was prescribed, State Code Equiv = T.
  • Student transferred, State Code Equiv = TR.
  • The number of specialist exams where no problem was found is calculated by selecting all follow-up records where a follow-up date has been entered where State Code Equiv is not equal to T or TR.

Additionally, define follow-up codes to correspond to the following diagnosis totals for the Texas Spinal Screening Report. If the code indicates:

  • Normal, State Code Equiv = NOR.
  • Scoliosis, State Code Equiv = SCO.
  • Kyphosis, State Code Equiv = KYP.
  • Other, State Code Equiv = OTH.


Define treatment codes to correspond to the following treatment totals for the Texas Spinal Screening Report. If the code indicates:

  • Observation Only, Medicaid Code = OBS.
  • Orthosis Bracing, Medicaid Code = ORTHO.
  • Operation Surgery, Medicaid Code = OPER.
  • Other, Medicaid Code = OTH.

Lens Types

Enter State Code Equiv = L for all codes to include in the Total Number of Screened with Glasses count on the Texas Vision Screening Report.


Enter State Code Equiv = F for all codes to include in the Total Number of Failed Exams on the Texas Hearing Screening Report and Texas Vision Screening Report.


Define a State Code Equiv.

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