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March 2024 Major Maintenance Release

These changes have been released in the following software version:

  • ESP_24.3.0.0



Release Note

ESP-93175410 Attendance Verification Report

Addressed an issue in the 410 Attendance Verification Report where Days Present were being counted under the Absences report column. This issue is resolved.

ESP-93060TREx Export Old and TREx Export

Addressed an issue in the TREx Export and TREx Export Old where the PEIMS Threat Assessment indicator was reported with a '0' value if there was no current year PEIMS Threat Assessment record. A Threat Assessment indicator value of '1' should be reported if the student has a Threat Assessment record entered for any school year. This has been resolved.

ESP-92867TX Withdrawal Configuration Form

Added three new labels and textboxes for Library, Cafeteria, and Devices prompts to the Registration pane on the Withdrawal Form Configuration page. If populated, signature lines for Library, Cafeteria, and Devices will display on the Texas Withdrawal Form when processed for a student.

ESP-92827PEIMS TEDS Extract and Course/Staff/Student Download

Addressed an issue in the Student Extension for the PEIMS Summer submission where XML tags for the Associate Degree Indicator would be generated with a value of '0' which is no longer a valid value for TEA. This has been resolved.

ESP-92633TSDS Download and TSDS Extract

Addressed an issue in the Child Find submission where the Campus ID E1710 (Campus ID of Evaluation) was not reported in the Child Find download record if the Student Evaluation Date was the same as the Student Withdrawal Date. This has been resolved.

ESP-91227Course/Staff/Student Download

The Staff download processing has been modified to exclude displaying the warning message: "Building X, Course XXXXX - X: Course does not have a primary staff member assigned on the snapshot date" in the Staff download log for course sections that have never had students enrolled throughout the school year and do not have a primary staff assigned. However, if students are enrolled in a course section at any time during the school year and there is no primary staff assigned to that section, the warning message will still be displayed in the download log.

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