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March 2022 Major Maintenance Release

These changes have been released in the following software versions unless otherwise noted in the release note:

  • ESP_20.4.45.0
  • ESP_21.4.22.0



Release Note


OCR Building Setup and Withdrawal Form Configuration

Updated the Security processes in the building level pages, so a user can only access the buildings that they have security defined.

ESP-71742Career Tech/Contact HoursUpdated CTE Calculation to report the Final End Date for Contact Hours on a Service ID as either the next Membership Date in which the student is not receiving the contact hours or the last day in the calendar.
ESP-71474Run Upload

Added the Student Portal Access Code (SPAC) upload processing in the Run Upload utility. The file name must be SPACUpload.txt, and the existing Test Score Import Files option can be used with this upload to load the Student Portal Access Code from the Assessment Score files directly into the District Defined PEIMS Demographics page.

ESP-71421Run OCR Report

Updated the District Report processing when a student is only enrolled on the first day of school but has Distance Education courses scheduled on the sample enrollment date.

ESP-71299Career Tech/Contact Hours

Updated the CTE calculation to handle previously set Contact Hours values that contain decimal values. If a course has a decimal value set as the Contact Hours, the calculation will round to the nearest integer and continue processing. A warning will be printed to the log file with the building, course, and section information describing the decimal value and what it has been rounded to. This message will only print once per building, course, or section combination.

ESP-71270Import Scores from File

Updated the EAL19, EAL21, and EAL22 test score imports to translate 0/1 to N/Y for the Approaches Grade Level At The Student's Standard and Masters Grade Level fields.

ESP-71066Attendance Contact Hours

Updated the Attendance Contact Hours calculation to process the Service ID associated with Contact Hours (CTHRS) data. The Attendance Contact Hours calculation process Excess Hours based on the sum of Contact Hours from each Service ID per day.

Updated the View Attendance and Special Program Contact Hours page to display the Service ID data.

ESP-71061410 Attendance Verification Report

Updated the 410 Attendance Verification Report to Show Current CTE Indicator.

Added Service ID to the Contact Hours calculation to retrieve data from the Student CTE Data page.

Removed the V4 through V6 breakouts of attendance to report only the V1 through V3 PEIMS ADA Attendance.

ESP-71057Career Tech/Contact Hours

The PEIMS CTE Calculation has been redesigned to calculate contact hours per service ID (E0724) for students. The calculation finds the VoTec courses and students enrolled in them, the contact hours for the course as set on the PEIMS Course page, and generates the appropriate date ranges and hours for each student or service ID combination. The calculation considers student Entry/Withdrawal information, course add or drop dates, and the course start and end dates to determine the date range the student had contact hours. If a 0 contact hour override is set on the Contact Hours program, the calculation will not apply contact hours to the student during that date range when creating CTE records. Additionally, if a Student Detail Report is processed by the calculation having at least one record with contact hours, the Current CTE Indicator field on the District Defined PEIMS Career and Technology page will be updated to a value of 1 and processed.

ESP-71056View Career Tech/Contact Hours (Student CTE Data)

Updated the Contact Hours validation table to only have 0 to 3 Contact Hours as active.

Updated the Career & Technical Indicator field on the District Defined PEIMS Career and Technology Fields page to no longer link to the Program 149: Career & Technical Ed Ind field.

Updated the Program 149: Career & Technical Ed Ind field as Historical CTE Indicator instead of Current CTE Indicator.

Updated the Contact Hours field on the PEIMS Course page from an input box to a dropdown list to select values from the Contact Hours validation table.
Updated the Calculations and View Calculated PEIMS Data items to display data side-by-side for easier navigation.

Added the View Career Tech/Contact Hours page to review the data calculated by Career Tech/Contact Hours. This page shows the Student CTE Data records with Contact Hours for the current school year.
The Student CTE Data page will allow users to view the calculated CTE Data, add Services or Contact Hours, and modify previously calculated Services or Contact Hours. An override checkbox indicates that the service will not be re-calculated and will remain as is.

ESP-70842TSDS Download

Updated the TSDS Student download to report 9999999999 instead of blank when a student does not have a phone number.

Updated the TSDS Student download to report Home instead of blank when a student does not have a phone number type.

ESP-70615Copy Setups

Updated the Copy Setups - State Courses option to include copying the course category values.

ESP-70111District/Campus Summary

Updated the Attendance Contact Hour records with an Element Code of E0787 and Element Value of 9 to be excluded from the values reported in the Texas District/Campus Summary report.

ESP-69316TREx Exports - New

Added TREx Assessments to the TREx Exports - New page with options for Prior and Current Years.

ESP-69277Credit Recovery Generation and Credit Recovery

The Save icon is replaced with a Run icon on the Credit Recovery Generation page. This is only for cosmetic changes.

The Student ID and Do Not Process checkbox (marked with the Delete icon) are displayed on the Credit Recovery Generation page. When the checkbox is selected, that student will not be processed for reporting.

The Course and Special Ed panels will display the corresponding grids every time they are selected.

ESP-69275Student Detail

Updated the Student Detail Report to report the VoTec field from the Current CTE Indicator field on the District Defined PEIMS Career and Technology page instead of the date-tracked field.

ESP-69265100/101 Demographic

Updated the 100/101 Demographic Report to retrieve the CTE Indicator field from the Current CTE Indicator field on the District Defined PEIMS Career and Technology page instead of the date-tracked field.

ESP-68939TEDS Extract

Updated the Special Reporting Period Attendance complex type for Attendance Event 03 to report the CTEMultiplier sub-complex type containing the Service ID and the attendance information.

ESP-68937Course/Staff/Student Download

Updated the TX_410 download to process CTE Attendance per Service ID.

ESP-68930Course/Staff/Student Download

Updated the TX_090 download for Staff to not log the warning: “090 Record was not created as the student count is 0.“

ESP-66545TREx Export

Updated the TREx Export to consider Attendance Day Totals records without a Learning Location Type as In-Person days instead of excluding them from the attendance days calculation.

ESP-63243Attendance Hours Calculation

Updated the Attendance Hours Calculation to report the correct dates for each element on the Student Withdrawal / Record Transfer Form.

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