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July 2024 Major Maintenance Release

These changes have been released in the following software version:

  • ESP_24.7.0.0



Release Note

ESP-96161TSDS Download

Updated processing to include the pre-registered students in the Student School Association file.

ESP-95893TSDS Download and TSDS Extract

Updated the processing to retrieve the CAMPUS_ID and INSTRUCTIONAL_TRACK of the student as the most recent Entry/Withdrawal of building and calendar state code equivalents, if there is no matching CAMPUS_ID and INSTRUCTIONAL_TRACK of the Student Child Find Association extension with the reporting period data.

ESP-95587TX Student Summary

Added the Bilingual/ESL Funding Code to the Student Summary for the TX_400 record type, allowing users to edit it.

ESP-94134Validation Tables - Behavior(C165) and Program of Study (C220)

Retired irrelevant code values from the Behavior (C165) and Program of Study (C220) validation tables.

ESP-94133Validation Tables - Program of Study (C220)

Updated descriptions in the Program of Study (C220) validation table.

ESP-94061Validation Tables - Student Characteristic (C344), Student Accelerated Instruction Participation (C353), and Difference Reason Hours Accelerated Instruction (C354)
  • Added the Student Characteristic (C344) validation table with valid code value 22.
  • Added the Difference Reason Hours Accelerated Instruction (C354) validation table with valid code values 01, 02, 03, 04, 05, 06, and 07.
  • Updated the description for code 04 in the Student Accelerated Instruction Participation (C353) validation table.
ESP-94060Validation Tables - Regional Day School Program For Deaf (C067), PK Teacher Requirement (C207), and Program Of Study (C220)
  • Updated the description for code 0 in the Reg Day School Deaf Codes (c067) validation table.
  • Added new codes 98 and 99 in the PK Teacher Requirement (C207) validation table.
  • Added new codes 66, 67, 68, 69, 70, and 71 in the Program Of Study (C220) validation table.
ESP-94014PEIMS Student Accelerated Education Plan

Added the DifferenceReasonHoursAcceleratedInstruction data element to the student district-defined PEIMS Student Accelerated Education Plan.

ESP-94009FHSP Overrides

Updated the FHSPDistingLevelGraduate data element to report the DistingLevelAchievementGraduate (E3089) value.

ESP-92968TREx Export

Updated processing to retrieve courses based on the course building type.


Course/Staff/Student Download

Added processing to include grades 7 and 8 students to the OFSDP Vocational Attendance (510) reports.

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