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January 2025 Major Maintenance Release

These changes have been released in the following software version:

  • ESP_25.1.0.0



Release Note

ESP-101097PEIMS R-PEP Hours

Added the PEIMS R-PEP Hours page to collect R-PEP Data in the Regulatory - Other - Others menu path.

ESP-101050District Defined Screen (PEIMS Student Accelerated Education Plan)

Removed the duplicate field (Diff Reason Hrs Acc Inst) to ensure accurate and streamlined data entry for PEIMS Student Accelerated Education.

ESP-100483Transcript Summary

Updated processing to exclude subjects from the End-of-Course Tests section in the transcript if they have no marks or were not marked as exempt on the Student EOC Requirements HB5 page.

ESP-100368Student EOC Requirements HB5

Updated the Student EOC Requirements HB5 page for the Change UID and Timestamp only for the added or modified records. The Change UID and Timestamp for all the rest of the records displayed will not be updated.


Updated the Copy Calendar function to copy all the information including waiver minutes and types.

ESP-99974Print Transcript

Corrected the spelling in the transcript description from 09/Couse to 09/Course and updated the footer text to match TEA data.

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