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February 2024 Major Maintenance Release

These changes have been released in the following software version:

  • ESP_24.2.0.0



Release Note

ESP-92128TREx Extract

Updates are done to remove the blank spaces from Course Grade, Grade Average, and FinalGradeAverage tags in the XML file.

ESP-92043Student Detail Report

Updated the TX Student Detail Report processing to generate the report file name to match the value that is entered in the 'Task/Report Name' prompt.

ESP-92002TREx Export

Updated the TREx Export processing to exclude the XML tags whose values are either null or empty causing the Invalid Length error.

ESP-90023TX Withdrawal Form

When selecting the Update Attendance Contact Hours option in the TX Withdrawal Form, the Attendance Contact Hours processing would sometimes fail resulting in no Contact Hours being calculated for the student. This has been resolved.

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