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District Defined PEIMS Pre-Kindergarten Pages

PEIMS Pre-Kindergarten fields display on two pages:

  • Menu path: From the Registration menu, choose Entry & Reports, choose Student District Defined, and then select District-Defined Pre-KindergartenUse this page to display all PEIMS Pre-Kindergarten fields. This page includes the student's current value for program-tracked fields, not the student's value as of the current date.
  • Menu path: From the Registration menu, choose Entry & Reports, choose Student Demographic, and then select Programs. Click 10150 - PEIMS Pre-Kindergarten (Program)Use this page to review the history for all programs tracked for PEIMS Pre-Kindergarten.
PK Program Type (e1078)Choose the length of the Pre-Kindergarten instructional day for a particular Pre-Kindergarten student.
Primary PK Funding Source (e1079)Choose the primary source of funding for a Pre-Kindergarten student.
Secondary PK Funding Source (e1080)Choose the secondary source of funding for a Pre-Kindergarten student.
Student Instruction Type (e1558)Choose the PK student type of instruction.
Student Identification SystemChoose the student identification system.
Star of Texas Indicator (e1601)Choose if the student is eligible for free public Pre-Kindergarten because they are the child of a person awarded the Star of Texas Award.
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