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Attendance Setup

Attendance View Setup

Menu path: From the Administration menu, choose Attendance Setup, choose Setup, and then select Attendance View Setup.

For every building that reports attendance information, you must set up a view for state reporting, which converts the attendance for the period that meets at 10:00 am or homeroom attendance. All views for the state attendance should use the same code (view_type) and name (description).

Do not use a view that is also used to calculate report card totals.

For buildings with full and half-day students, you must have separate criteria for the full and half-day calendars.

For buildings that participate in the OFSDP (Optional Flexible School Day Program), you must define a view to calculate day totals records to report the total number of minutes present for the student.

Rules for View to Calculate OFSD Minutes



View Type


MBS Buildings

Enter all buildings the students could be scheduled in.

If you enter MBS buildings, attendance periods must have the Use In Views option selected for both the view and MBS buildings

Calculate totals as

M - Minutes

Sum into Intervals

Select the intervals for the six state reporting periods.

Criteria Detail – Row 1 – Calculate present minutes for students who are not absent for a day


Select the calendar for the students to process.


Include all attendance codes (absent or tardy) that should be excluded when calculating minutes present.


All Periods.


Min: 0

Max: 0

Convert Code

Select an attendance code that indicates present.

Criteria Detail – Row 2 Calculate present minutes for students who are absent for part of a day


Select the calendar for the students to process.


Include all attendance codes (absent or tardy) that should be excluded when calculating minutes present.


All Periods.


Min: 1

Max: 999

Convert Code

Select an attendance code that indicates absent.

Attendance Intervals

Menu path: From the Administration menu, choose Attendance Setup, choose Setup, and then select Attendance Intervals.

For every building that reports ADA, create six intervals for the six week ADA intervals.




All buildings must use the same naming convention for interval codes.

Interval Type

Choose D – Date.

If the building has marking periods equivalent to the six week reporting periods, you can also use M – Marking Period.

Begin Span

Start date of six week period.

End Span

End date of six week period.

Sum By


State Code Equiv

Assign 1 through 6 as appropriate for the six week period.

Attendance Codes

Menu path: From the Administration menu, choose Attendance Setup, choose Setup, and then select Attendance Codes.

For Credit Recovery Generation, verify attendance codes are in the eSchoolPlus summer school year environment.

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