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April 2024 Major Maintenance Release

These changes have been released in the following software version:

  • ESP_24.4.0.0



Release Note

ESP-93301Run OCR Reports

Excluded 504 Students from race counts for Discipline disability count questions, as per federal documentation. The counts should only include IDEA students.

ESP-93292TX Extended Year Submission - Generate Staff Records - MVC Changes

As part of the PEIMS Extended Year submission, functionality has been implemented to create StaffExtension records required for the Staff Interchange file.

ESP-91083TX Student Unique ID Extract Filter Request

Added functionality so users can filter on Entry/Withdrawal information under the area filter section when running the Student Unique ID Extract.

ESP-90788Personal - Educational Factors

Texas users can see values displayed for the Dyslexia IEP and 504 Plan Program as read-only fields in the Educational Factors panel on the Personal page.

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