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April 2022 Major Maintenance Release

These changes have been released in the following software versions unless otherwise noted in the release note:

  • ESP_20.4.47.0
  • ESP_21.4.24.0



Release Note

ESP-72909Course/Staff/Student Download

Added error scan to output a warning to the task logs for Staff with a non-null Grade value that does not match the grade levels specified in the Building Definition.

ESP-72877District/Campus Summary Report

Added option for the Campus Summary report to be sorted by Campus ID or Campus Name. The report will be sorted by the building’s state code equivalent value when choosing Campus ID.

ESP-72869TEDS Extract - Bullying and Cyberbullying

Updated the TEDS extract to pull incidents with a state code of 61 or (a state code of 21 and severity of 99) for bullying or cyberbullying. Additionally, all buildings will report both TX-NumberOfBullyingIncidents and TX-NumberOfCyberbullyingIncidents in the extract, even for 0 values.


Created the Test Imports for 2022 TELPAS and TELPAS Alt in consideration for new testing vendor Cambium. Student matching will be done on State ID and (or) Unique ID.

ESP-72687Career Tech/Contact Hours

Updated the Career Tech Contact Hours calculation to use the next membership day if one exists when a course starts on a non-membership day.

ESP-72228State Courses

Added State Course Credit field to the State Courses page.

ESP-72153TSDS Extract

Updated to output the Evaluation Delay complex type only if the Evaluation Delay Reason field has data.

Updated to output the Early Childhood transition complex type only if the ECI Notification Date and the ECI Transitional Conference Date fields have data.

ESP-71983Schedule Entry

Added warning to Schedule Entry if the student has already earned the amount of state course credits set on the State Courses page for the course state code in another course.

ESP-71656Run OCR Reports

Updated the following questions to check the OCR_IDEA, OCR_504, and OCR_LEP groups, instead of the OCR_2 groups:

  • DISC-2: Preschool Instances of Suspension
  • DISC-5: Preschool Instances of Corporal Punishment
  • DISC-6: Instances of Corporal Punishment
  • DISC-11: Instances of Suspension
  • RSTR-1a: Non-IDEA Students Subjected to Restraint or Seclusion - Mechanical Restraint
  • RSTR-1b: Non-IDEA Students Subjected to Restraint or Seclusion - Physical Restraint
  • RSTR-1c: Non-IDEA Students Subjected to Restraint or Seclusion - Seclusion
  • RSTR-2a: IDEA Students Subjected to Restraint or Seclusion - Mechanical Restraint
  • RSTR-2b: IDEA Students Subjected to Restraint or Seclusion - Physical Restraint
  • RSTR-2c: IDEA Students Subjected to Restraint or Seclusion - Seclusion
  • RSTR-3: Instances of Restraint or Seclusion
ESP-71425TSDS Download

Updated the following validation error messages to have 2022 school year dates:

  • Teacher Section Association
    • 30305-0008
    • 30305-0010
  • Student Residential Facility Association
    • 40115-0006
    • 40115-0007
  • Student Section Association
    • 40110-0165
    • 40110-0166
ESP-71288Import Definition update for EOC22 and EAL22

Updated the import definitions to match students based on TX Unique ID.

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