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April 2021 Major Maintenance Release

These changes have been released in the following software versions unless otherwise noted in the release note:

  • ESP_19.4.38.0
  • ESP_19.11.30.0
  • ESP_20.4.23.0
  • ESP_21.4.0.0



Release Note

ESP-56353District/Campus SummaryThe Bilingual/ESL funding code breakdowns BE, D1, D2(EL), and D2(EP) have been updated for calculation as per the TEA requirements.
ESP-56351District/Campus SummaryThe Bilingual/ESL funding code breakdowns BE, D1, D2(EL), and D2(EP) have been updated to match the TEA report.
ESP-54593District/Campus Summary

The District/Campus Summary report uses both the In Person and Remote attendance when calculating the Refined ADA. This is not a change, but a clarification.

Note: For the campus totals and district totals, the Refined ADA is calculated by taking the average of the individual Refined ADA fields. This reported Refined ADA field value will differ from the value calculated at the campus total or district total levels.
The Days Taught field will now count the number of membership days in the period instead of summing the membership values of the same days. This means that days with a membership value of less than one will be counted as one day taught.

ESP-48219District/Campus SummaryThe District/Campus Summary report has been updated to use the highest number of membership days among the calendars as the Days Taught if the building has multiple calendars with the same State Code Equiv value.
ESP-44207TSDS DownloadThe TSDS Student Residential Facility download has been updated with two cross-validation and nine post-scan rules.
ESP-44027TSDS DownloadThe TSDS Staff download has been updated with nine validation rules.
ESP-43970TSDS DownloadThe TSDS Parent download has been updated with one pre-scan rule.
ESP-43905TSDS DownloadThe TSDS Course Offering download has been updated with one pre-scan, three post-scan, and two cross-validation rules.
ESP-49112Course/Staff/Student DownloadThe Student download has been updated to use the ESL program State Code Equivalent value.
ESP-48743Course/Staff/Student Download

The PEIMS Staff Download for Summer submission has been updated to remove the following two errors from download processing:

  • 305 Record was not created as the student count is 0.
  • Building contains non-high school courses but the Final Mark Type has not been defined on the Pass/Fail Setup Validation Table.
ESP-54893Attendance Contact Hours

The TX Attendance Contact Hours calculation has been updated to process the LEP indicator value for every E1651 record.

The Bilingual/ESL funding calculation has been updated to match the TEA requirements.

ESP-50458Attendance Contact HoursThe attendance calculation to retrieve E0794 data has been optimized to improve performance.
ESP-54489TEDS ExtractThe Instructional Setting and Bilingual Funding codes for RA and RS will be reported when the RA/RS days are greater than zero.
ESP-54732TSDS ExtractProgram type references and complex type have been appended to the EdOrg XML file for all submissions except Charter School Waitlist.
ESP-55060TREx ExportThe TREx Export has been updated to write the student data only one time in the TREx XML file when a student has multiple buildings recorded in Entry/Withdrawal.
ESP-53783TREx ExportThe TREX bulk export has been optimized to decrease the processing time.
ESP-53484Spinal ReportThe Spinal Report when all the buildings are selected has been updated to generate a district level totals report instead of a page-by-page listing of each building.
ESP-53483Vision Screening ReportThe Vision Screening Report when all the buildings are selected has been updated to generate a district level totals report instead of a page-by-page listing of each building.
ESP-48676Hearing Screening ReportThe Hearing Screening Report when all the buildings are selected has been updated to generate a district level totals report instead of a page-by-page listing of each building.
ESP-48930Enrollment VerificationThe Enrollment Verification Report has been updated to not report Courses or Students that are not meeting criteria on the cycle day for the As-Of Date being run.
ESP-48700Mass Update DaysThe Mass Update Days page has been corrected to update the Waiver Minutes or Waiver Type only for the selected dates.
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