Keep in mind that the number of columns you select to print cannot exceed the page width of the report. The Report option will not generate a report if you have selected more columns than can fit on the page width.
Print the Class Roster
From Class Management, click Roster to display the Class Roster page.
To show or hide columns from the class roster, click (Settings) on the toolbar and select Show/Hide Columns.
After making your column changes, click OK to close the window and display the selected columns.
After you are satisfied with the columns selected, click (Generate Roster Report) on the toolbar to generate the roster report.
If you have selected too many columns, an error will display indicating that you need to select fewer columns before printing. Click OK and then repeat steps to select fewer columns.
After the PDF has been generated, the Course Class Roster Report page displays. You can then view, print, or save to your computer. Additionally, the PDF file is saved automatically to your report directory and can be accessed from the Home page.
Print Class Roster with Blank Grid
Before you print the class roster, select the columns you want to include.
Keep in mind that the number of columns selected cannot exceed the page width of the report. The Report option will not generate a report if you have selected more columns than can fit on the page width.
Print the Class Roster with grid
From Class Management, click Roster to display the Class Roster page.
Click (Settings) on the toolbar and select Add Empty Columns.
On the Add Empty Columns window, specify how you want to create grid columns: Select number of columns to add - You can select to add up to 20 blank columns. Add date headers to columns - Select if you want to print a date as the heading of each column. Enter start date - If you checked the Add date headers to columns box, enter the first date you want to use.
Click OK to close the window and display the selected columns.
To show or hide columns from the class roster, click (Settings) on the toolbar, select Show/Hide Columns, and then make changes.
Click OK.
After you are satisfied with the columns selected, click (Generate Roster Report) on the toolbar to generate the roster report.
If you have selected too many columns, an error will display indicating that you need to select fewer columns before printing. Click OK and then repeat steps to select columns.
After the PDF has been generated, the Course Class Roster Report page displays. You can then view, print, or save to your computer. Additionally, the PDF file is saved automatically to your report directory and can be accessed from the Home page.
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