You can print a report including any summary columns configured to display on the page and detail date columns for either the full marking period or for a date range. You can save the report as a PDF or Excel file.
Print attendance details
From Attendance, select Attendance Detail to display the Attendance Detail page.
If you need to update the class or marking period, click Change, and make your selections.
Click (Run Attendance Detail Report).
In the Show Student Names field, select whether to print the student name, the alphabetic order, or no name. If you display aliases, the students display in order based on the Alias Display Order. If you display none, the students display in student ID order.
Specify the detail columns to include.
To print detail columns for all dates in the marking period, select Show Details.
To print detail columns for selected dates, select Date Range and specify the start and end dates.
To not print any detail columns, do not select Show Details or Date Range.
To print the Summary Totals columns, select Show Totals.
Click Run. The report will open. You can then view, print, or save to your computer. Additionally, the PDF file is saved automatically to your report directory and can be accessed from the Home page.
If you need to change selections for the report, click the Prompts tab.
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