Use the Calendar to view all course and competency group assignments. You can also create calendar events for your homerooms, activities, competency groups, or courses. Calendar events can be edited or deleted using the Event Detail pop-up. However, assignments are read-only on the Calendar page; use the Gradebook Entry or Gradebook Setup pages to change assignments.
The Calendar page opens in month-view mode. You can also display by day or week. Use the next/previous buttons to change the dates displayed, and click the Today button to quickly display today's information in the selected view.
A slide-out filter on the left-hand side of the page lets you filter the assignments/events to display.
Click to hide/display the slide-out filter. Use the fields in this filter to choose which events and assignments to display on the calendar. The filter has expanding sections that enable you to filter at the building level and then narrow your selection down to assignments or events attached to specific courses, competency groups, activities, or homerooms.
Event Detail Pop-up
The Event Detail pop-up lets you create, edit, or delete events for the Calendar page. To publish an event for students and guardians so they can view it in Home Access Center, select the Publish checkbox.
The Event Detail pop-up has two sections: an upper section to enter information about the event and a lower section to select specific activities, courses, competency groups, or homerooms for the event.
Use these procedures to add, edit, or delete calendar events.
Add an event to the calendar
From Class Management, click Calendar to display the Calendar.
Click to open Event Detail.
Enter the event information.
Select Publish Flag if you want the event to display in Home Access Center.
Select the courses you want to attach the event to.
Click Save.
Edit an event
From Class Management, click Calendar to display the Calendar.
If necessary, use the buttons to change displayed dates.
Click the event you want to edit. Note: You cannot edit assignments from the calendar; you can only edit calendar events.
Update the event information.
If desired, change which classes the event is scheduled for.
Click Save.
Delete an event
Use this procedure if you want to delete an event from all courses attached to it. To change or remove only certain classes from an event, use the preceding procedure, To edit an event on the calendar.
From Class Management, click Calendar to display the Calendar.
If necessary, use the buttons to change displayed dates.
Click the event you want to delete.
Click Delete to delete the event from all courses attached to it.
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