You can create a seating chart by arranging tiles that display student photos. If you arrange your class in grid blocks, you can configure the number of rows and columns. You can also choose a free-form option to place seats in any arrangement you would like.
Create a free-form seating chart
From Class Management, click Seating Chart to display the Seating Chart page.
Click (Configure Seating Chart Options) on the toolbar to display the Seating Chart Options window.
Click Free Movement from the Layout field.
Click Close on the Seating Chart Options window.
Add students to the seating chart:
If the Unplaced Students drawer is not displayed, click Open Unplaced Student Drawer.
You can drag the right and lower boundaries of the seating chart to make it larger or smaller.
Click Add All Students to move students from the Students section to the seating chart. You can also drag and drop students to the seating chart. You may choose to leave some students in the Unplaced Students drawer.
Drag and drop students to arrange the seating chart.
Student images cannot overlap in the seating chart.
To remove a student from the seating chart, drag and drop the student into the Unplaced Students drawer.
Students in the Unplaced Students drawer are members of the class but not placed in the seating arrangement.
Click Save.
Create a grid layout seating chart
From Class Management, click t Seating Chart to display the Seating Chart page.
Click (Configure Seating Chart Options) on the toolbar to display the Seating Chart Options window.
Click Grid Blocks from the Layout field.
Enter the number of rows for your class.
Enter the number of columns for your class. Refer to the number of unplaced student as show on the drawer to determine the number of rows and columns necessary to accommodate all students you wish to place in the seating chart.
Click Close on the Seating Chart Options window.
Add students to the seating chart:
If the Unplaced Students drawer is not displayed, click Open Unplaced Student Drawer.
To move all students from the Unplaced Students drawer, click Add All Students in the Unplaced Students drawer to move all students from the drawer to the seating chart. Note that this will only move as many students as there are available seats in the seating chart.
To move individual students, drag and drop students from the Unplaced Students drawer to the seating chart. You may choose to leave some students in the Unplaced Students drawer.
Click Save.
Rearrange a grid layout seating chart
You can rearrange a grid, including changing the number of rows or columns and shuffling students.
If you are reducing the number of rows or columns, be sure that there are no students placed in rows or columns being deleted.
Click (Configure Seating Chart Options) on the toolbar to display the Seating Chart Options window.
Change the dimensions of the grid or use the Student Options to rearrange students.
To change the number of rows or columns, enter new values in the appropriate fields.
To rearrange seated students in a random order, click Shuffle.
To sort seated students by last name, click either Sort Asc or Sort Desc based on how you want to sort students.
To clear the existing seating chart, click Clear All. All students will be moved to the Unplaced Students drawer.
Close the Seating Chart Options window.
To seat all students in the Unplaced Students drawer, click Add All Students. Students are assigned seats in the order of the tiles across and then down in the Unplaced Students drawer.
To rearrange students manually or to seat unplaced students manually, drag and drop student tiles. If you place a student in a seat that was occupied, the student who was in that position is moved to the Unplaced Students drawer.
Click Save.
Alphabetize a grid layout seating chart
If necessary, place students who have been added to the class.
Click (Configure Seating Chart Options) to display the Seating Chart Options window.
Click either Sort Asc or Sort Desc based on how you want to sort students by last name.
Close the Seating Chart Options window.
Click Save.
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