When Do You Need To Create Different Average Setups?
Average setups allow you to define how the average for a mark type should be calculated based on the other marks that a student received for a course. For example, you can calculate the final mark for a student based on the marks received for marking period and exam marks. The Mark Averages Calculation option selects the average setups to calculate for a course based on the Average ID selected for the course and how marks are issued for the course.
The following rules will help you determine the number of different average setups you need to define.
Rule | Example |
A separate average setup should be defined for each of the possible course meeting patterns for the building. | If your building offers full year courses and semester length courses, you need three average setups.
If courses end at different marking periods, you need to have an average setup for each marking period when courses may end. | If you calculate a final mark for courses and semester 1 courses end in marking period 2 and full year courses end in marking period 4, then an average setup must be defined to calculate the final in marking period 2 and another one defined for marking period 4. The average calculation only processes courses that are defined to receive the mark in the marking period that the average is calculated in. |
If a course does not issue all marks that are included in the average setup, you need to have a separate average setup for that course. | If the average setup is defined to calculate a semester grade based on marking period and exam marks, then the average calculation will not use this average setup for a course that does not issue an exam mark. The calculation is not designed to skip marks that are not issued for the course. Instead, define an average setup that includes only the marking period marks. |
If some courses use different weights for marks, you must create a unique average ID for each possible calculation pattern for the calculation. | If you weight marking period grades higher than exam grades for academic courses and weight marking period and exam grades equally for AP courses, then you need to have unique setups for each weighting pattern. Assign the course to the appropriate average ID in the Master Schedule. A course can only use one average ID so you must define all averages to be calculated for the course using the same average ID code. |