Use this page to add or view vision exam results for multiple students. You can enter results for individual students or mass load information for a group of students.
The mass load is a helpful tool to quickly enter the typical results for a group of students. Then you can update the exam results as needed for the students who did not have the typical results.
For the vision exam, a student can have multiple exam results for the same date. For example, some districts store results in two records so they can track the status individually for near and far results. As a result, this page will allow you to create a record for a student who already has an exam for the test date.
You may not be able to edit information for prior days. The Medical Configuration's Allow Update on Prior Days field specifies the number of prior days you can update. You can always add referrals and enter follow up information for existing referrals. You may be able to edit existing notes, comments, and referral comments if the configuration is defined to allow editing of notes for locked office visits.
Entering Vision exam results
Select Medical > All > Office > Vision.
On the Prompts panel, select the building and test date. As needed, specify the values to load as the default exam results for students.
On the Selected Students panel, enter students by student ID or student name. To search for a student, click the Student Name field's Search to display the Student Search pop-up window. Select the desired student, and then click OK.
Enter exam information as needed.
Click Save.
Mass Loading Vision exam results
Select Medical > All > Office > Vision.
On the Prompts panel, select the building and test date. As needed, specify the values to load as the default exam results for students.
Enter the appropriate criteria in the Filter panel. Then click Load. For example, to display a list of students for homeroom 100, select Area: Demographic, Field Name: Primary Homeroom, Condition: = (Equals), and Value: 100.
Review the list of students, and change exam information as needed.
To change the location or status for a student, click in the field, and enter a valid code.
If a student was not examined or the student's exam record should be deleted, select the (Delete) checkbox.
Click Save.
To display a list of students with an exam record for this test date, use a filter that includes:
Vision Test Date >= Enter Test Date AND Vision Test Date < Enter Next Day after Test Date
Prompts Panel
Building for the medical exam results. You can only enter results for students enrolled in this building.
Test Date
The date of the exam.
Create New Exam Record
Checked if you want to create exam records for students who already have exam results for the test date. Typically, you would only select this checkbox if your district tracks the exam results for Near and Far vision tests in two exam records.
If this box is checked and your filter criteria selects a student with an exam record for the test date, the student's existing exam record displays and a new row will also display.
Default Location
Sets the location to default when you either select a student or click Load to mass enter results for students. Leave this field blank if you do not want to default the location.
If there is a list of students selected prior to entering default values, the default will not apply to those students.
Default Test Type
Sets the test type to default when you select a student or click Load to mass enter results for students. Leave this field blank if you do not want to default the test type.
If there is a list of students selected prior to entering default values, the default will not apply to those students.
Default Near/Far
Sets the exam to Near or Far when you select a student or click Load to mass enter results for students. Leave this field blank if you do not want to default the near/far value.
If there is a list of students selected prior to entering default values, the default will not apply to those students.
Default Right/Left
Sets the status (the result of the exam) to use when you select a student or click Load to mass enter results for students. Enter the status for the right eye in the first field and the left eye in the second field. Leave these fields blank if you do not want to default the status.
If there is a list of students selected prior to entering default values, the default will not apply to those students.
Default Muscle Right/Left
Sets the status (the result of the exam) to use when you select a student or click Load to mass enter results for students. Enter the status for the right eye in the first field and the left eye in the second field. Leave these fields blank if you do not want to default the status.
If there is a list of students selected prior to entering default values, the default will not apply to those students.
Default Color (Color Blindness)
Sets the status (the result of the exam) to use when you select a student or click Load to mass enter results for students. Leave this field blank if you do not want to default the status.
If there is a list of students selected prior to entering default values, the default will not apply to those students.
Default Plus Lens
Sets the status (the result of the exam) to use when you select a student or click Load to mass enter results for students. Leave this field blank if you do not want to default the status.
If there is a list of students selected prior to entering default values, the default will not apply to those students.
Default Bin (Binocularity)
Sets the status (the result of the exam) to use when you select a student or click Load to mass enter results for students. Leave this field blank if you do not want to default the status.
If there is a list of students selected prior to entering default values, the default will not apply to those students.
Default Stereo (Stereopsis)
Sets the status (the result of the exam) to use when you select a student or click Load to mass enter results for students. Leave this field blank if you do not want to default the status.
If there is a list of students selected prior to entering default values, the default will not apply to those students.
Selected Students Panel
Use this panel to enter student exam results. To mass load default data for students, enter defaults on the Prompts panel and student criteria on the Filter panel. Then click Load. Use the fields on this panel to change the exam values for students as needed. When finished, click Save.
To display the valid location and status codes at the top of the panel, click (Additional options) on this panel, and then select Show/Hide Code Keys.
To view additional student exam details, such as notes and referrals, click (Expand).
Student ID
Identifies the student by their Student ID. In the first row, you can add a student by entering a student ID and clicking Search in the Student Name field.
An asterisk ( * ) next to the student ID indicates that an exam record for this test date has already been saved for the student.
Identifies the student by Last Name, First Name.
In the first row, you can add a student by entering the ID or name. Click Search to search using part of the name. Then use the Student Search window to search and select the student.
The student's grade on the exam date.
The place where the exam was given.
Displays the time when you clicked Load or when you selected the student by ID or Name. Time is stored as part of the test date. This value does not have to be the time of the examination. It is used to allow the entry of multiple exam results for a student. For example, some districts store results in two records so they can track the status individually for near and far results.
Screening Type
This field may display depending on state reporting requirements. For information about this field, refer to state reporting documentation.
The type of lens worn by the student, for example, contact or glasses. Also can be used to indicate whether the test was taken with or without glasses on, depending on the selections defined in Medical's Lens Types table.
Test Type
The type of screening performed. Your district defines the possible test types. For example, your district may track results for exams given using a Snellen chart or a Titmus Vision Tester.
Indicates if this exam record applies to testing near or far vision.
N - Near - to indicate the results are for a near vision test. F - Far - to indicate the results are for a far vision test.
Leave the field blank if your district does not report near and far vision test results separately.
The result of the exam for the right eye. This may be either a code or the Snellen visual acuity chart values in the format XXX/XXX, for example, 20/100. Character/7
The result of the exam for the left eye. This may be either a status code or the Snellen visual acuity chart values in the format XXX/XXX, for example, 20/100. Character/7
Muscle Right
The result of the exam for the right eye muscle.
Muscle Left
The result of the exam for the left eye muscle.
Color Blind (Blindness)
The result of the color blindness exam.
The result of the stereo vision test.
Displays the number of referrals that have been entered for the student's exam. To view referral information, display the Exams page for the student.
Displays Yes if there is a note for the student's exam or No if there is no note.
To delete a record, select the row's Delete checkbox, then click Save.
Expanded Exam Detail Fields
The following fields display when you click (Expand) for a student.
Plus Lens
The result of the plus lenses test.
Bin (Binocularity)
The result of the binocularity test.
Notes Section
Unlimited free text about the exam. Character/Unlimited
Referrals Section
Referral Code
The code describing the type of referral.
Referral Date
The date on which the referral was made.
Followup Code
The code indicating what kind of follow-up was made.
Followup Date
The date on which the follow-up information was received. For example, a student was referred to the ophthalmologist on 12/1/2010. The ophthalmologist examines the student on 12/15/2015 and sends a note indicating that the student needs glasses. Because the note was received by the nurse's office on 12/20/2015, you would enter 12/20/2015.
Doctor's Name
The name of the doctor who provided care. Character/255
Referral Comments
Comments about the referral. Character/255
To delete a record, select the row's Delete checkbox, then click Save.
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