This section covers what you need to know to help your students and guardians make the most out of the eSchoolPLUS Family app.
Select Your School District
The first time you open the eSchoolPLUS Family app, you'll need to select the district. You can search for the district by name and state or by location.
To search by district name:
Tap District Name/State.
Enter the district's name in District Name.
Select the school district's state.
Tap Search.
To search for districts near a zip code:
Tap Enter Your Zip Code.
Enter the zip code.
Tap Search.
Then, tap the district's name to open the Login screen.
Log into eSchoolPLUS Family App
The user name and password for Home Access Center and the eSchoolPLUS Family app are the same. If you do not have a user name and password, contact the school district.
Enter your Home Access Center user name.
Enter password.
Tip: Save your user name so you don't have to enter it next time. Use the Preferences option to turn on the Save Username setting.
Retrieve a Forgotten Password
Use Home Access Center if you have forgotten your password. Home Access Center allows you to reset your password after answering challenge questions.
iOS Menu Icons
The following image illustrates the menu icons that display on an iOS device:
Student Menu
Tap to display a list of other students you can access. Then, tap a student name to switch who is displayed.
Application Menu
Tap to display the options to view student information, change your preferences, or logout.
Android Menu Icons
The following image illustrates the menu icons that display on an Android device:
Application Menu
Tap to display the options to view student information.
Student Menu
Tap to display a list of other students you can access. Then, tap a student name to switch who is displayed.
Overflow Menu
Tap to display options to change your preferences or logout.
Select Student
If you have access to multiple students, you can quickly switch the student in view. The student list is in different locations on iOS and Android devices.
For iOS devices
Tap Student menu on right.
Tap student you want to display. The student's Home screen displays.
For Android devices
Tap student's name to display a list of your other students.
Tap student you want to display. The student's Home screen displays.
Navigate the eSchoolPLUS Family App
Tap application menu.
Tap the option to display. The list of options that follows includes all options that can be displayed on the menu, and may include options that you do not have on your menu.
Home. Displays school news, events, and assignments for today and tomorrow. Icons displays to allow quick navigation to other screens. If there are no news items, events, or assignments for today and tomorrow, two rows of icons display.
Notifications. Displays student alerts for the student.
Calendar. Displays a calendar of the student's events and assignments.
Classwork. Displays the student's class assignments in a week view.
Fees. Displays the student's fees that have a balance due or credit applied.
Progress Report. Displays the student's progress grade information.
Report Card. Displays the student's grade information.
Resources. Displays links to other resources that you might find helpful.
Schedule. Displays the student's schedule.
Activities. Displays the student athletic or club activities for the current school year.
Transportation. Displays the student's transportation information.
Preferences. Displays options to change your student alert subscriptions and email address. Also, includes an option to save your username. On Android devices, this option displays on the overflow menu instead of the application menu.
Logout. On Android devices, this option displays on the overflow menu instead of the application menu.
View Attendance
Tap Attendance.
To move back or forward a month, use the arrow buttons above the calendar.
Tap a date to see attendance detail.
Tap X to close the day's attendance.
View Event and Assignment Calendar
Tap Calendar.
To move back or forward a month, use the arrow buttons above the calendar.
Tap date to display the list of events or assignments below the calendar.
Tap an event or assignment to display more details.
To add it to your device's calendar, tap Add to Personal Calendar.
Tap X to close the event or assignment.
View List of Upcoming Events and Assignments
Tap Calendar.
Tap List.
Tap Today.
View Classwork
Tap Classwork.
Tap class to view.
To move back or forward a week, use the arrow buttons above the list of assignments.
Tap an assignment to view additional information.
To add it to your device's calendar, tap Add to Personal Calendar.
Tap X to close the assignment.
To select another class, tap device's Back button.
Open Additional District Resources
Tap Resources.
Tap link to open it in the web browser.
Change Alert Subscriptions
Alert subscriptions can be changed from the Preferences screen of the app. Use the Receive Notification field to select subscription options for an alert. For Attendance and Discipline alerts, you can limit the alert so you are only notified for specific types.
Tap menu on right.
Tap Preferences.
For an alert, select the options for your subscription. In the Receive Notification field, select None (to not subscribe to alert), Push Notification, Both (to receive a push notification on your mobile device and an email), or Email.
On an iOS device, tap Done, then Save.
Alert subscription changes are saved immediately on Android devices. There is no save option.
View Student Alert Notifications
Student alerts for attendance, discipline, classwork, progress report, report card, and immunization information display as notifications within the app. Your subscriptions determine which alerts you will get for the student. The Notifications option includes a badge to show the number of unread notifications.
From menu, tap Notifications. On the Notifications screen, unread notifications display in bold text.
Tap a notification to view it.
To close the notification, tap Back. The notification is marked as read.
To delete the notification, tap Delete. Tap Delete on the Do you really want to delete this notification? pop-up.
Android and iOS devices display different options to close and delete a notification.
On an Android device, use the device's Back button to close the notification. The Delete option displays as a trashcan icon at the top of the screen.
On an iOS device, Back and Delete buttons display as options on the screen.
Change Email
If the district allows students or guardians to update the email address in Home Access Center, then the email address can be updated from the eSchoolPLUS Family app. The option to change the email address is in different locations on iOS and Android devices.
For iOS devices
Tap application menu.
Tap Preferences option.
Tap email address.
Change the email address.
Tap Done.
Tap Save at the top of the screen.
For Android devices
Tap overflow menu on right.
Tap Preferences.
Tap email address.
In pop-up, change the email address.
Tap Save.
You cannot use the app to remove an email address. The app will not save changes if an existing email address is deleted.
Log Out of eSchoolPLUS Family App
The Log Out option is in different locations on iOS and Android devices.
For iOS devices
Tap application menu.
Tap Logout.
For Android devices
Tap overflow menu on right.
Tap Logout.
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